GoI sets up control room to control spread of Bird Flu

The Department of Animal Husbandry has set up a control room after confirmation of Bird Flu in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Himachal Pradesh.

What are the functions of the control room?

The control room will watch the situation and take stock on daily basis of the preventive and control measures undertaken by the respective State Governments. The control room will also abide by the National Action Plan of Avian Influenza.

What is National Action Plan of Avian Influenza?

The National Action Plan on Avian Influenza comprises of the following divisions:

  • Advises to the States and Union Territories on preparedness against Avian Influenza outbreaks.
  • The second part of the action plan indicates the actions to be taken if an outbreak of the Avian Influenza is suspected.
  • The third part describes the actions during the outbreak of the disease.
  • The fourth part identifies the persons who will handle Avian Influenza infected poultry. The person will advise on biosafety and biosecurity measures.

What are the different types of Avian Influenza virus?

The Influenza virus is grouped into Type A, B and C.  Type A Influenza Virus is known to infect animals only and is zoonotic. This means Type A can infect humans as well. The subtypes of Avian Influenza are H5N1, H7N9 and H9N2. The subtypes are classified based on surface proteins called Newuraminidase and Hemagglutinin.

What is GISRS?

It is Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System launched in 1952 by the World Health Organization. It monitors seasonal trends and potentially pandemic Influenza in the world. It is the backbone to the Global Alert System for Influenza.

What is Global Influenza Strategy?

It was launched by World Health Organization for 2019-2030. It aims to prevent seasonal influenza and control the spread of the virus from animals to humans.


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