‘Global Report on Food Crises’ – Update (May, 2022)

The 2022 Global Report on Food Crises was recently published, highlighting acute food insecurity globally.

Who published the report?

Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC).

Where the report does focus on?

The report focuses on those countries and territories where the magnitude and severity of the food crisis exceed the local resources and capacities.

How many people are facing acute food insecurity?

Around 193 million people in 53 countries or territories experienced acute food insecurity at crisis or worse levels in 2021.

Did food insecurity worsen in 2021 as compared to 2020?

Around 40 million more people globally experienced acute food insecurity at crisis or worse levels in 2021 than in 2020.

Which countries are most suffering from food insecurity?

Around 6 lakh people in Ethiopia, southern Madagascar, South Sudan, and Yemen were classified in the most severe phase of acute food insecurity.

What are the three main drivers of food insecurity as per the report?

The three main drivers are:

  1. Conflict: Conflict forced 139 million people in 24 countries into acute food insecurity.
  2. Weather extremes: Weather extremes forced over 23 million people in eight countries into acute food insecurity.
  3. Economic shocks: Due to economic shocks, around 30 million people in 21 countries/territories suffered acute food insecurity in 2021.

What are the suggestions given to tackle food insecurity?

  • There is a need to tackle the root causes of food crises rather than just responding after they occur.
  • There is a need to prioritize smallholder agriculture as a frontline humanitarian response to overcome access constraints.

What is Global Network Against Food Crises (GNAFC)?

It is an international alliance of the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and governmental and non-governmental agencies working to tackle food crises together.



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