Global Labour Resilience Index 2023

The White Shield is a policy advisory firm. The company released the Global Labour Resilience Index during World Government Summit. The index measures the capacity of the economy to withstand employment fluctuations and the ability to fight back. The index is the first of its kind. White Shield ranked 136 countries based on parameters such as technological disruptions, pandemics, green economy transition, etc.

Key Findings

  • Denmark was ranked first in the index followed by Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, and Sweden in second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth places respectively.
  • India ranked 65th. All the other countries in South Asia ranked below 80. Pakistan secured 97th
  • Resilience is stalling
  • More than one-third of countries are facing difficulties in labour resilience after COVID
  • The USA has the highest adaptive capabilities to any kind of market changes

Regional positions

North America secured the top rank in the world followed by Europe at the second position, East Asia and Pacific in the third position, Central Asia in the fourth position, and the Middle East and North America in the fifth position. Latin America and the Caribbean were in the sixth position. South Asia was in the seventh position and Sub-Saharan Africa was in the eighth position.

Developed Economies

The USA was in position 15 and Canada at 16. Japan secured 19th place. Russia was on 45. Israel at 20



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