Cyber-security refers to specially designed codes or procedures through which the systems are protected against unauthorized access, viruses and potential hacking. It seems to be in constant mode of upgradation due to the newer challenges posed by cyber criminals. It had come under scrutiny during the recent cyber attacks perpetrated by unknown identities. The countries have to focus on the upcoming challenge and strengthen their protection as most of their sensitive data floats on the internet.

The recent ransomware attacks originating in Ukraine and spreading through US and UK in 2017 has raised eyebrows on the security concerns about information sharing or storing on the Internet.

What is the need for protection from internet?


It is a concept which consists of illegal activities related to computers and internet. In cyber-crimes, computer or internet is used as a weapon or the target of criminal activity. It includes various kinds of crimes like hacking, credit card fraud, cyber terrorism, child pornography, creation and distribution of viruses etc. they can be classified according to the role played by the computer in the crime that is whether it was the weapon or the target or sometimes both. The recent spread of ransomware attack will find its way in the second category where the computer was used as a target.


It is a type of malware which when infects a particular system, encrypts its data and demands money for the release of it. When they get hold of sensitive information and the institution is lacking a backup of the files, they are forced to either pay or lose their entire data.

Microsoft said that ransomware attacks started in Ukraine with M.E.Doc a tax accounting software with 12,500 Ukranian systems which were using the older versions of microsoft being subsequently affected. It quickly spread to 64 countries attacking industrial giants like Merck in US and Saint Gobain in France. It blocks your access to your data on computer and asks payment in the form of bitcoins to release it.

WannaCry and Petya were the two big cyber-attacks witnessed in just two months in 2017.

Due to such threats cyber security has become one of the major issues in today’s time.

Cyber Security Index (CSI)

CSI is developed by International Telecommunication Union (ITU). ITU is a specialized agency of United Nations which accounts for the activities related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

It is an index to assess the commitment of various countries towards protection of their data and systems from cyber-crime. It has five parameters to judge a country’s preparedness. These are Legal Measures, Technical Measures, Organizational Measures, Capacity Building and Cooperation. On this basis countries are awarded ranks which decides the country’s technical capabilities of managing such attacks.

Placing India and other features of the report

India has been awarded a rank of 23 among a total of 165 countries that were studied in the second global cybersecurity index in 2017. It found its place in the ‘maturing’ category which indicates its increased awareness and engagement with protective initiatives. It had a score of .683.Singapore has been ranked first with a score of .925 followed by US and Malaysia.

Another important aspect of the report has been the revelation by the ITU that half of the countries lack the adequate measures to protect themselves from cyber-attacks with almost 38% of the countries having a carefully formulated framework for cyber-security and 12% being in the process of doing so.


India fares better than other developing countries in the index like China being the 34th. However it still is in a maturing phase which consists of 77 other countries who according to the report come under the scope for further improvement needed. India has also been a victim of the ransomware attack where Mumbai’s ports were forced to shut down due to dysfunction. It also places India at the similar position as those of the developed countries in terms of vulnerability to getting attacked. Therefore to prevent or counter such attacks India must perform according to the high standards set by Singapore and US in cyber-security as well.

With growing technology, emerge the bigger challenges associated with it and to live up to those challenges one must think and remain one step ahead of its opponents in this case being the cyber-criminals.

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