Global Coal Production falls for the 4th Consecutive Year

According to a survey, in 2019, the global coal power plant development declined for the fourth consecutive year. A total of 13 GW of capacity construction delayed due to Corona Virus.


The survey was conducted by the Global Energy Monitor, Sierra Club, Greenpeace international and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

Key Findings of the survey

The annual survey says that 15 major plants have been delayed so far due to supply chain and labour force issues. The new coal plant developers are facing increased difficulties all over the world as restrictions come from banks and insurers.

However, China’s approval of production has increased.


Between March 1 and March 18, 2020, China has approved more coal power (6.6 GW). In 2019, China had approved 6.3 GW of coal-based production. The number of coal based power plants entering into operation has increased in China since 2018 according to the survey. On the other hand, the global coal fleet is shrinking.


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