Definition of Towns, Urban Agglomerations and Tier Cities in India

The term “urban” is used in demographic as well as sociological sense. In demographic sense, the urban areas are defined as per population, population density or other such quantifiable criteria. In sociological sense, heterogeneity, inter-dependence, quality of life etc. are focused. In rural societies, the social bonds are based on close personal ties of family, caste, kinship or friendship and emphasis is on tradition, informality, consensus etc. In urban societies, the impersonal and secondary relationships predominate and the social bonds are based on formal, contractual and dependence over each other in special functions or services performed.

Definition of Town

Up to Census 1951, the definition of a town included all habitations with population of more than 5000; every municipality/corporation/notified area of whatever size; and all civil lines not included within the municipal units. In 1961, this definition was changed and a town included:

  • A minimum population of 5,000 and a population density not less than 1,000 persons per square mile
  • 75% of the working population should be engaged in non-agricultural activities
  • The place should have a few characteristics and civic amenities like transport and communication, banks, schools, markets, recreation centers, hospitals, electricity, and newspapers, etc.

The above definition was continued till 2001 census. For the Census of India 2011, the definition of urban area is as follows

  1. All places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area committee, etc.
  2. All other places which satisfied the following criteria:
    1. A minimum population of 5,000
    2. At least 75 per cent of the male main working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and
    3. A density of population of at least 400 persons per sq. km.

The first category of urban units is called Statutory Towns. These towns are notified under law by the concerned State/UT Government and have local bodies like municipal corporations, municipalities, municipal committees, etc., irrespective of their demographic characteristics.

The second category of Towns is known as Census Town. These were identified on the basis of Census 2001 data.

Urban Agglomeration (UA)

An urban agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining outgrowths (OGs), or two or more physically contiguous towns together with or without outgrowths of such towns. An Urban Agglomeration must consist of at least a statutory town and its total population (i.e. all the constituents put together) should not be less than 20,000 as per the 2001 Census. In varying local conditions, there were similar other combinations which have been treated as urban agglomerations satisfying the basic condition of contiguity. Examples: Greater Mumbai UA, Delhi UA, etc. Out Growths (OG): An Out Growth (OG) is a viable unit such as a village or a hamlet or an enumeration block made up of such village or hamlet and clearly identifiable in terms of its boundaries and location. Some of the examples are railway colony, university campus, port area, military camps, etc., which have come up near a statutory town outside its statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a village or villages contiguous to the town. While determining the outgrowth of a town, it has been ensured that it possesses the urban features in terms of infrastructure and amenities such as pucca roads, electricity, taps, drainage system for disposal of waste water etc. educational institutions, post offices, medical facilities, banks etc. and physically contiguous with the core town of the UA. Examples: Central Railway Colony (OG), Triveni Nagar (N.E.C.S.W.) (OG), etc. Each such town together with its outgrowth(s) is treated as an integrated urban area and is designated as an ‘urban agglomeration’.

Tier-I to Tier-VI cities

Apart from the above, the cities in India have been classified by RBI also in various tiers as follows:

  • Tier-I with people 1,00,000 and above
  • Tier-II with 50,000 to 99,999
  • Tier-III with 20,000 to 49,999
  • Tier-IV with 10,000 to 19,999
  • Tier-V with 5,000 to 9,999
  • Tier VI with less than 5,000.

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