Ahle Hadith, Tabligi and Deobandi Schools in Islam: Comparative Analysis

Recently, ET had published a rare analysis of the IS suspects arrested in India on the basis of data shared by NIA {National Investigation Agency}. This analysis shows that: Most of these suspects are young (20-24 years), well off and formally educated. A small fraction (15%) of them have converted to Islam from other religions before pursuing the radical path and only 20% have got their education in Madarsas.  This analysis showed that Maharashtra and Kerala are primary hotspots of ISIS in India, followed by Telangana, West Bengal and Karnataka. It also mentioned that 50% of those suspects belong to Ahle Hadith school of thought, while 30% to Tabligi and rest 20% to Deobandi School. This article presents you an overview of these three schools keeping your prelims and mains examination questions in mind.


Islam came into existence in 7th century AD, and soon was instrumental in forming an Arabian empire. However over the period, owing to differences in interpretation of religious text to what constitutes these texts, what’s the rightful way of living and who decides that and so on-differences started to rise among the Muslim communities on these lines. This led to the rise of various sects within the fold of Islam.

Two major Sects Sunni and Shia, arose due to conflict over the line of descent for the post of caliphate in the early years of Islam. Within Sunni, we have Deobandi which has Tablighi jammat as its sub-sect. In addition Sunni branch also harbours Salafism which now a days considerably overlap with Wahhabism.

The differences among these sects can be elaborated on following contours:

Beliefs and principles

As, an orthodox sect of Sunni Islam, Deobandi consider Prophet as Nur (not human) and aim to abide to his footprint by observing Quran, Sunnah and Hadith and if any ambiguities arises in these reading they follow jurisprudence of Hanafi– one of the four Islamic school of thought on jurisprudence. Thus, Deobandi gives greater weightage to rationality, and through this, seeks the knowledge of Islam. Some Deobandi might be follower of Sufism too which believes in universal brotherhood.

Ahl al-Hadith, on the other hand consider Prophet as a normal human being, but aims to abide by its teaching alone through religious texts and  rely on jurisprudence only when it is in strict adherence with Quran, Sunnah and Hadith. This sect, however strictly against Sufism, and stands for pure Islam -as at the time of prophet.

The followers of Tablighi must dress like the Prophet, sleep as he did on the ground and advocate for dawa tour. It is a tour carried out in proselytizing activity in which followers has to abandon their family and dedicate their life for the service of preaching Islam. According to Tablighi jammat, living a true Islamic life is not possible without developing hate and animosity towards this world. In fact the life before death is considered as futile by this sect. “This world (dunya) is similar to a toilet or a prison”, is mentioned in Fazail-e-A’amal a book which is placed above quran by this sect.

With regard to political philosophy

Deobandi owes its present to the aftermath of 1857 revolt-where Muslims were systematically targeted and side-lined from mainstream by the British for their role in the revolt. Although Deobandi has professed one nation theory of the congress, and accepted the diversity of India, but as per experts their stand is ‘temporary’ and would only be required till the ‘light of true religion (read Islam) dispels its (India’s) darkness. While Ahl al-Hadith, stands out as a fundamental sect, the objective of which is to see the light of Islam pervading all corners of earth, and supports the global Jihad for realising their objective. Tablighi, on the other hand is a non-political group and it shuns politics. It has always maintained silent in case of terrorist attack and this has earned him the name of quietist and apolitical community.

Perspective towards western world

Deobandi sees westernisation has the corrupting force which through its materialistic and amorally driven life has corrupted the values of a person and is one of the reason for the downfall of Muslim community. However while having such view, Deobandi allows western sciences knowledge be imparted to their pupil, for then only they would be able to criticize it. Moreover they allow the teaching of English and computer, as they consider vital links to spread the message of Islam. Ahl al-Hadith, too professes trimming the influence of western world away from the values of ummat al-Islamiyah (Community of Muslim people) and are thus completely opposed to western values. Whereas Tablighi are opposed to the western way of life and they advocate traditional and going back to puritan Islam.

View on Women folk

Deobandi is though liberal, but still are largely conservative about the rights of the women. There has been occasions where the Fatwas have been issued which bans women from working in Jobs which requires their interaction with the men, or which doesn’t let them observe Hijab at work.

The women in the Tablighi sect must observe complete hijab for which the sect is accused of treating them as inferior to men. Walking on this line, even Ahl al-Hadith, who are ultra-conservation in their outlook consider women as a lesser being than men, and thus derive the former from education, jobs, among other things.

Influence of these schools on ISIS

Deobandi is spread across the Indian subcontinent. Though for India, the clerics of the faith has termed it as- Dar al –Aman- abode of peace, and spoke highly against the ISIS way of functioning. However the Deobandi ideology is followed aggressively in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where the Taliban owes its allegiance to it. Also they have a word Kafir- that is those who are non-believer of faith (Islam) which allows them to wage holy war on them. Coupled with this, their anti-western stand for corrupting Islam, provides firm footing to the war on ISIS.

Moving one step ahead, Ahl al-Hadith- as it is called in Indian subcontinent, is actually Salafism, which in its pursuit to revive the old Islamic way of life, and agrees to the premise of war. Though Salafism was liberal initially, over the period of time it has grown close to Wahhabism and now both stands synonymous. Wahhabism and Salafism together, in 2013 has been rendered responsible for their fuelling of global jihad.

Even Tablighi has been responsible for radicalism as it advocates for abandoning the family for dawa tour which is the basic principle influenced ISIS who radicalised youth and dedicate their life for religious activities.


In the latest NIA survey it was found that ISIS suspects from India belonged to Deobandi, Tablighi and the Ahl al Hadith schools. Overall it can be deduced from this is that though ideology has its own influence, they cannot be said to be sole and primary reason to motivate them to join ISIS.

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