GK & Current Affairs Quiz: October 31 – November 1, 2013
1. Which of the following four states would be benefited by “North East Rural Livelihoods Projects” (NERLP)?
Chose the correct answer from the codes given below:
[A]Only 1, 2, 3 & 4
[B]Only 2, 3, 4 & 5
[C]Only 1, 3, 4 & 5
[D]1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Only 2, 3, 4 & 5
North East Rural Livelihoods Project aims to improve rural livelihoods especially that of women, unemployed youth and most disadvantaged, in four North Eastern States of Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
2. The native people of the Andaman Islands belong to which one of the following race?
The Andamanese have been classified as Negritos.
3. In which of the following countries, world’s first publicly accessible ATM machine which can exchange digital currency (Bit coins) for any official currency has been launched recently?
World’s first publicly accessible ATM machine which can exchange digital currency (Bit coins) for any official currency has been launched in Canada. It converts Bit coins into Canadian dollars and vice versa.
4. In association with which of the following banks Vodafone India has provided M-Pesa service in Maharashtra recently?
[C]Axis Bank
Vodafone India has provided M-Pesa service in Maharashtra. Vodafone launched this service in association with ICICI Bank.
5. Who among the following has been named world’s most powerful person by Forbes magazine?
[A]Vladimir Putin
[B]Barack Obama
[C]Pope Francis
[D]David Cameron
Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has been named the world’s most powerful person by Forbes magazine. Putin has beaten US President Barack Obama into second place on the 2013 list. Chinese President Xi Jinping was ranked third followed by Pope Francis who featured at number four.
6. Union cabinet has recently given its approval for declaring which of the following airports as International airports?
[A]Bhubaneswar and Imphal
[B]Gaya and Imphal
[C]Chandigarh and Ahmedabad
[D]Ranchi and Srinagar
Bhubaneswar and Imphal
The Union Cabinet gave its approval for declaring the Bhubaneswar and Imphal airports as international airports. Declaration of these airports as international airports will offer improved connectivity, wider choice of services at competitive cost to the air travellers resulting in boosting international tourism and economic development of the region and the country.
7. The state / Union Territory which has highest ATM density in India is ___ ?
[B]West Bengal
[D]Tamil Nadu
Chandigarh has the highest ATM density in with 400 machines for every 10 lakh people, while the density is 180 in Tamil Nadu, 141 in Maharashtra and 71 in West Bengal. Maharashtra, with 15,000 ATM has the highest number of ATMs.
8. India’s “Geeta Chandran” is an exponent in which of the following dance forms?
Geeta Chandran is a renowned Bharatanatyam dancer. On 29 October 2013 she was honoured with the prestigious Guru Debaprasad Award for outstanding contribution in the field of dance.
9. Which of the following districts of India has become the first zero-landless district in the country?
Kannur district in Kerala will be declared as the first zero-landless district in the country. The declaration would mark a major development in the government’s endeavour to mark Kerala a zero-landless (citizen) state by 2015.
10. The Muslim Uyghurs are an ethnic minority demanding to establish their own Independent state in which country?
The Uyghurs are an ethnic minority in Xinjiang, the most western provenance of China. The Uyghurs have been experiencing religious and cultural persecution by the Han Chinese. As a result, the Uyghurs have strengthened their own campaign, to establish their own independent Uyghur state.