GK & Current Affairs Quiz: November 20, 2019
November 20, 2019 May 21, 2021
1. Which state government has decided to create new new Foreign Cooperation department?
[A] Odisha
[B] Haryana
[C] Karnataka
[D] Kerala
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Correct Answer: B [Haryana ]
The Haryana Government has decided to create a dedicated new department namely Department of ‘Foreign Cooperation’ to deal in formulation of country-wise strategies for promotion of investment, employment in the state, education and skill development and promotion of Haryanavi culture and welfare of Haryanavi diaspora. The Haryana Cabinet has also decided to revise the House Rent Allowance admissible to the Ministers from Rs 50,000 to Rs 80,000 plus Rs 20,000 to cover electricity and water charges that is totalling Rs 1 Lakh per month.
2. What is the India’s rank in the 2019 IMD World Talent Ranking?
[A] 62nd
[B] 43rd
[C] 59th
[D] 68th
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Correct Answer: C [59th ]
Due to low quality of life and expenditure on education, India has been ranked 59th on a global annual list of 63 countries in the 2019 IMD World Talent Ranking. The list was topped by Switzerland, followed by Denmark, Sweden and Austria. The ranking is based on the performance in three main categories — Investment & Development, Appeal and Readiness.
3. Which union ministry has launched Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh (BPKK)?
[A] Ministry of Women and Child Development
[B] Ministry of Food Processing Industries
[C] Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
[D] Ministry of Rural Development
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Correct Answer: A [Ministry of Women and Child Development]
The Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh (BPKK) has been launched by Union Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) in partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in New Delhi. The BPKK is a repository of diverse crops across 128 agro-climatic zones in India for better nutritional outcomes.
4. The bilateral maritime exercise “Roar of the Sea” has started between India & which country?
[A] Qatar
[B] Japan
[C] Afghanistan
[D] Saudi Arabia
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Correct Answer: A [Qatar ]
The first-ever joint naval exercise titled “Za’ir-Al-Bahr (Roar of the Sea)” has started between Qatar & India in Doha. The exercise would strengthen cooperation and increase interoperability between the two navies.
5. Which state Olympic Association has decided to launch ‘Grassroot Olympic – Mission Talent Hunt’ to groom talent?
[A] Odisha
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Punjab
[D] Assam
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Correct Answer: D [Assam ]
The Assam Olympic Association (AOA) has decided to launch a new programme – “Grassroot Olympic – Mission Talent Hunt” – to identify the sports talent in the state and groom them. The AOA will organize sports events in five categories covering players from 10 years to 60 years of age in the state.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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