GK & Current Affairs : October 26, 2016

1. Who has won the 2016 Man Booker Prize?
[A]Sam Lipsyte
[B]Amanda Foreman
[C]Paul Beatty
[D]Marlon James
Answer: Paul Beatty
Paul Beatty has won the 2016 Man Booker Prize for his racial satire, ‘The Sellout’ at a ceremony in London’s Guildhall. With this, he becomes the first American writer to win the Man Booker Prize. The novel tells the story of a young black man who tries to reinstate slavery and racial segregation in a suburb of Los Angeles. It is a satire on United States constitution, urban life, the civil rights movement, the father-son relationship and the holy grail of racial equality. The Booker Prize is a literary prize awarded each year for the best original novel, written in the English language and published in the UK.
2. Which state government has tied up with Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to promote innovation financial services?
[D]Andhra Pradesh
Answer: Andhra Pradesh
The Andhra Pradesh government has signed a FinTech Cooperation agreement with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to promote innovation financial services. Under the agreement, MAS and the state government will explore joint innovation projects on technologies such as digital payments and blockchain and collaborate on the development of education programmes on FinTech. They also agreed to discuss emerging FinTech trends and exchange views on regulatory issues related to innovations in financial services.
3. What is the India’s rank in the WEF’s Global Gender Gap Index for 2016?
Answer: 87th
India has been ranked 87th out of 144 countries on the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Gender Gap Index for 2016, improving from its 108 position in 2015. The list is topped by Iceland, followed by Finland, Norway, Sweden and Rwanda. The Global Gender Gap report is an annual benchmarking exercise that measures progress towards parity between men and women in four areas: educational attainment, health and survival, economic opportunity and political empowerment.
4. The book “The Bangle Seller” has been authored by whom?
[A]Maya Kalyanpur
[B]Anil Kumar
[C]M K Mani
[D]Brijesh Gulati
Answer: Maya Kalyanpur
The book “The Bangle Seller” has been authored by Maya Kalyanpur. It is a layered story that captures an India in transition, in-between ancient tradition and development in a globalised world. In simple words, it is a story of richly-woven tapestry of travel, romance, tradition and culture of India.
5. Junko Tabei, who recently passed away, was the well-known mountaineer of which country?
Answer: Japan
Junko Tabei (77), who was the first woman to climb the world’s highest peak “Mount Everest”, has recently passed away in Tokyo, Japan. She reached the summit of Mt.Everest in 1975. In 1992, she also became the first woman to scale the “Seven Summits”, or the tallest mountains on each of the seven continents.
6. Which technological giant has launched its first Cybersecurity Engagement Center (CSEC) in India?
Answer: Microsoft
Microsoft India has launched its first full-scale Cybersecurity Engagement Center (CSEC) in Delhi, which is first-of-its-kind centre in India. This is Microsoft’s 7th Cybersecurity Centre in the world and will function as a satellite to the company’s Redmond Digital Crimes Unit. The CSEC will bring together Microsoft capabilities to foster deeper Cybersecurity collaborations with public and private sector organisations. The centre will also build a trusted and secure computing environment, a critical enabler for India’s digital transformation.
7. Who has been named as the 2016 European Golden Boy Award?
[A]Raheem Sterling
[B]Anthony Martial
[C]Renato Sanches
[D]Marcus Rashford
Answer: Renato Sanches
Renato Sanches, a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for German club Bayern Munich and the Portugal national team, has won the 2016 European Golden Boy award. The Golden Boy is an award that is given by sports journalists to a young football player playing in Europe perceived to have been the most impressive during a calendar year
8. “Biotech-KISAN scheme” has been launched to empower small and women farmers. What does “KISAN” stands for?
[A]Krishi Innovation Scientific Application Network
[B]Krishi Innovation Skill Application Network
[C]Krishi Innovation Science Application Network
[D]Krishi Innovation Sector Application Network
Answer: Krishi Innovation Science Application Network
Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the Union Science and Technology Minister, has launched a new initiatives Biotech-KISAN (Krishi Innovation Science Application Network) scheme in New Delhi to empower farmers, especially women. Under the scheme, fellowship will be given to women farmers for training and education in the farm practice. The purpose of the initiative is to connect farmers, scientist and science institution across the country. The scheme also aims to address individual problem of the smallholding farmers by providing solution. The scheme will be implemented in 15 agro-climatic zones of India in phased manner with the objective of linking new technology to the farm by understanding the problem of the local farmer.
9. Carlos Alberto, who died recently, was a legendary footballer from which country?
Answer: Brazil
Carlos Alberto (72), former Brazilian World Cup-winning football captain, has recently passed away in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He scored one of the greatest goals in FIFA World Cup history while captaining Brazil to glory in the 1970 final against Italy in Mexico. He was a classy defender who played for Fluminense, Santos, Flamengo and the Cosmos and earned the nickname ‘The Captain’ for his leadership qualities.
10. What is the India’s rank in the World Bank’s Ease of doing business index for 2017?
Answer: 130th
India has been ranked 130th out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s Ease of doing business index for 2017. The list is topped by New Zealand, followed by Singapore, Denmark, Hong Kong, South Korea, Norway, the UK, the US, Sweden and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The latest edition of ‘Doing Business’ 2017 report examines regulations that enhance or constrain business activity of countries and ranks them according to the impacts of their regulatory environment on business. The rankings are based on ten parameters – starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency. .

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year. Download Now

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