GK & Current Affairs : May 17, 18, 2015
1. What is India’s ranking on Human Capital Index released on May 15, 2015?
Answer: 100
India has been ranked at 100 on Human Capital Index, which measures countries on development and deployment of human capital. Finland has topped the 124 nation list. Finland is followed by Norway, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Netherland, New Zealand and Belgium. The list is prepared by World Economic Forum based on 46 indicators about how well countries are developing and deploying their human capital, focusing on education, skills and employment.
2. Who is the recipient of Pt Haridutt Sharma Award-2015?
[A]Anurraddha Prasad
[B]Ajay Chandrashekar
[C]Bhagavathi Das
[D]Anurup Kher
Answer: Anurraddha Prasad
Pt Haridutt Sharma Award in the field of journalism, writing and social services was given to Anurraddha Prasad, Editor-in-Chief, News-24 channel. Pt. Haridutt Sharma award is given in the field of journalism, writing and social services for the outstanding contribution in their respective field. The award consists of cash prize of Rs 51000, citation, trophy, shawl and souvenir. Reference
3. Who has become first Asian elected Mayor in United Kingdom?
[A]Harbhajan Kaur Dheer
[B]Tej Ram Bagha
[C]Arushi Kaur Dheer
[D]Ranjitha Kulkarni
Answer: Harbhajan Kaur Dheer
Harbhajan Kaur Dheer, an Indian-origin councillor has become the first Asian woman elected mayor of Ealing Council in London. She became the Mayor of Ealing Council after succeeding councillor Tej Ram Bagha. Born in Punjab in 1953, Harbhajan Kaur came to Britain in 1975. After joining Labour Party in the Eighties, she began to develop her public role within the Party and outside in the community. She has served the borough as a governor of a number of schools. In the Nineties, she worked as a volunteer Home Visitor helping home bound women with learning English. She is a passionate advocate of rights of children and elderly including those with mental health issues. Reference
4. Which statement is true about the Opah species, which is in news recently?
[A]World’s biggest flower
[B]First warm blooded fish
[C]Largest marine species
[D]Smallest marine species
Answer: First warm blooded fish
Opah or moon star is the world’s first warm blooded fish as scientists discovered it can regulate the temperature of its whole body. The opah traps warmth from its flapping fins, which are well insulated by fat. It uses that heat to keep its heart, brain and other organs warm while it swims to depths of hundreds of metres.
5. Which city in India has highest general insurance density and insurance penetration in 2013-14?
[C]New Delhi
Answer: New Delhi
As per the latest data from General Insurance Council (GIC) New Delhi has emerged as number one in general insurance density or per capita insurance premium, and insurance penetration or per centage of population covered, in the country during 2013-14. While Maharashtra tops the list in generating non-life premium. The top five general insurance markets in terms of gross premium are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka and New Delhi.Reference
6. Project VigEye, is a citizen centric initiative to fight corruption was launched by __?
[A]Election Commission
[B]Enforcement Directorate
[C]Central Vigilance Commission
[D]Ministry of Consumer affairs
Answer: Central Vigilance Commission
Project VigEye was launched by Central Vigilance Commission to fight corruption. It is a citizen centric initiative. The term Vigeye refers to a person who is a vigilant citizen, a volunteer and one who helps the vigilance commission reporting corruption and in fighting it.Reference
7. Currently, with which country India has a diplomatic and security dialogue in 2+2 format?
[A]South Korea
Answer: Japan
India and Japan have a diplomatic and security dialogue in 2+2 format. The 2+2 dialogue was launched in 2010. Under this dialogue framework, the foreign and defence ministers will together hold annual consultations with their Japanese counterpart over a range of overlapping security and political issues.
8. Which state accounts for the nearly half of the India’s total litchi output?
[B]Uttar Pradesh
[C]West Bengal
Answer: Bihar
India and China account for 91 percent of the world litchi production but it is mainly marketed locally. In India, 428,900 metric tonnes of litchi is produced annually from 56,200 hectares. Litchi being exacting in climatic and soil requirements has limited distribution. It is grown in the states of Bihar, Tripura, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana. Of the total production of litchi in India, 74 percent is contributed by Bihar. The second largest litchi producing state is West Bengal followed by Tripura and Assam. Reference
9. Which Indian bank has opened its first branch in China in May, 2015?
[A]Axis Bank
[B]HDFC Bank
[D]Corporation Bank
Answer: ICICI Bank
Country’s top private sector bank ICICI bank has opened its first branch in China. It was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The bank will be based in Shanghai. ICICI Bank with presence in 17 countries earlier had a representative office in China, which it had opened over 10 years ago in 2003. Reference
10. Which country topped the first World Environmental Democracy Index?
Answer: Lithuania
Lithuania has been ranked number one in the World Environmental Democracy Index. Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, US are the top 5 nations in the list. India was ranked 24th out of 70 countries in the list. World Environmental Democracy Index launched by Washington-based World Resources Institute (WRI) and Access Initiative. The index evaluates environmental democracy in 70 countries, including 75 legal and 24 practice indicators, based on recognised international standards. Reference