GK & Current Affairs: May 12, 13, 2014
1. The “Brix Degree” is a unit for measuring _____?
[A]Surface Tension
[C]Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity
The unit Brix Degree is used for measuring specific gravity in liquids.
2. What is the name of world’s first electric aircraft which has successfully completed its maiden voyage, recently?
[A]Flying Fan
World’s first ever electric aircraft called the “E-Fan” has successfully taken its maiden voyage. This electric aircraft is the latest creation of Toulouse-based airbus. The fact that its engines are powered by electricity provides it a low-noise, eco-friendly profile.
3. The “Johnson South Reef” is a disputed reef area between _____?
[A]China and Philippines
[B]Philippines and Japan
[C]China and Vietnam
[D]Vietnam and Japan
China and Vietnam
Johnson South Reef is a reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea controlled by the People’s Republic of China. Johnson South Reef is currently occupied by the Chinese and claimed by Vietnam.
4. The Caparo Group that has won the International Business of the Year Award 2014 at the Asian Business Awards is associated with ___?
[A]Food and Beverages
[B]Leather Manufacturing
[C]Steel, Automotive and Engineering
[D]Defence and Military
Steel, Automotive and Engineering
Caparo Group founded by leading NRI industrialist Lord Swaraj Paul is a fast growing UK based group with a 1bn Euro turnover. With business interest predominantly in manufacture of steel, automotive and engineering products. Caparo group has won the International Business of the Year Award 2014 at Asian Business Awards Midlands in Birmingham.
5. Which among the following is the first country to introduce plastic notes to safeguard against counterfeiting of currency?
Australia was the first country to introduce plastic notes to safeguard against counterfeiting of currency. The Reserve Bank of India is planning to introduce plastic notes in the country by next year.
6. Who among the following is the author of the book “Redesigning the Aeroplane While Flying”?
[A]Arun Maira
[B]Sanjay Baru
[C]Sachin Pilot
[D]Yashwant Sinha
Arun Maira
7. The “Kachin Independence Organisation” an ethnic rebel group active in ___?
8. Who among the following has been appointed as chairman of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal?
[A]B S Chauhan
[B]S P Singh
[C]Brijesh Patil
[D]K Hiremath
B S Chauhan
Justice Balbir Singh Chauhan, judge of the Supreme Court has been appointed as chairman of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal. The post of chairman has been lying vacant for the last two years after justice N P Singh resigned on health grounds.
9. The poorest country in Europe in terms of GDP per capita is ___?
[A]Republic of Kosovo
Moldova is the poorest country in the Europe. Its citizens are poor and have a low standard of living compared to other European countries. Moldova is nearly entirely dependent on agricultural exports for revenues.
10. Ravi Dhariwal, who has won the 2014 INMA’s Silver Shovel award is CEO which publication?
[A]The Hindu
[B]Times Group
[C]The Indian Express
[D]Hindustan Times
Times Group
Ravi Dhariwal, the CEO of BCCL, which published the Times of India, the world’s largest-selling English broadsheet and the Economic Times, the world’s second largest financial daily, has been awarded the International News Media Association’s (INMA) highest honour for volunteer service to and lifetime achievement in the media industry. The Silver Shovel Award is the INMA’s top honour for individual achievement.

Kalom pertin
May 19, 2014 at 12:30 amPlz show the answer ..
May 19, 2014 at 11:37 amThanks for your updation on recent affairs.. but why you ppl are mixing march gk in it.. so I request you to kindly make corrections regarding it.. n also post further updates. Thank you. .
June 6, 2014 at 5:08 pmI wonder as to why the option to convert it to pdf is not available…It was really good….