GK & Current Affairs – March 22, 23, 2016
1. Which country has recently signed refugee deal with European Union?
[D]Saudi Arabia
Answer: Turkey
After five months of intense negotiations, the European Union (EU) and Turkey finally signed a key deal on March 18 to prevent migration movements stemming from the Syrian war. According to the deal, any asylum-seeker reaching Greece from Turkey after March 20 will be sent back to Turkey, or their application will be quickly examined to determine whether they will be allowed to remain.
2. Who has won 2016 Men’s Singles BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament?
[A]Rafael Nadal
[B]Roger Federer
[C]Novak Djokovic
[D]Milos Raonic
Answer: Novak Djokovic
Novak Djokovic has won the 2016 Men’s Singles BNP Paribas Open tournament by defeating Milos Raonic by 6-2, 6-0 in the final at Indian Wells, California, United States.
3. Who has been chosen for CV Kunhiraman Literary Prize, recently?
[A]N Nandishwar
[B]M Sukumaran
[C]M Mukundan
[D]Hashim Rajan
Answer: M Sukumaran
The noted Malayalam writer M Sukumaran has been chosen for CV Kunhiraman Literary Prize. The prize consists of Rs.10,001 in cash, a citation, and a statuette designed by artist BD Dathan.
4. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed on which date?
[A]March 21
[B]June 8
[C]May 11
[D]April 23
Answer: March 21
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed every year on March 21. The 2016 theme is “Challenges and Achievements of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action”.
5. What is the theme of the 2016 World Water Day (WWD)?
[A]The World’s Water: Is there enough?
[B]Water and Culture
[C]Better Water, Better Jobs
[D]Clean Water and War
Answer: Better Water, Better Jobs
The World Water Day (WWD) is observed every year on March 22 to preserve and ration consumption of water. The 2016 theme “Better Water, Better Jobs” focuses on how enough quantity and quality of water can change workers’ lives and livelihoods and even transform societies and economies.
6. The World Poetry day is observed on which date?
[A]October 6
[B]June 18
[C]April 7
[D]March 21
Answer: March 21
The World Poetry day is observed every year on March 21 to encourage creativity, inspire the teaching of poetry and restore a dialogue between poetry and other arts, such as theatre, dance, music, etc.
7. The 2016 BRICS Summit will be held in which state of India?
Answer: Goa
The 8th edition of BRICS Summit 2016 will be held in Panaji, Goa from October 15 to 16, 2016. The logo for the summit is a lotus having colours from all the five member countries and a traditional ‘namaste’ in the centre. The theme of India’s BRICS Chairmanship 2016 is “Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions (BRICS)”.
8. The 2016 International Abilympics (IA) has started in which country?
[A]New Zealand
Answer: France
The 9th edition of International Abilympics (IA) 2016 has started at Bordeaux, France to promote social awareness in the field of skills development and employment both locally and internationally and foster friendship among the competing nations. The event is organised by Abilympics France from March 23 to 27, 2016. Abilympics, coined from ‘Olympics of abilities’ of persons with disabilities, is a global work skills competition held every four years.
9. Who has won the 2016 Hero Indian Open golf title?
[A]Jeunghun Wang
[B]SSP Chawrasia
[C]Anirban Lahiri
[D]N Thangaraja
Answer: SSP Chawrasia
Indian Golfer Shiv Shankar Prasad Chawrasia has won the 2016 Hero Indian Open title at the Delhi Golf Club, New Delhi.
10. The Palatana thermal power project is located in which state?
Answer: Tripura
Recently, India opened a new 100MW power transmission line to Bangladesh and received 10 GB bandwidth for internet connectivity to Tripura in return. The power from Palatana thermal power project in Tripura will add to the 500MW India already supplies to Bangladesh, and the bandwidth from Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh to Agartala will for the first time open up India’s Northeast as an internet gateway to the outside world. India currently leases internet bandwidth through Mumbai and Chennai alone. .