GK & Current Affairs – March 15, 2016

1. Who is the newly elected President of Myanmar?
[A]Henry Van Thio
[B]Htin Kyaw
[C]Myint Swe
[D]Aung San Suu Kyi
Answer: Htin Kyaw
Htin Kyaw has been elected as the first civilian President of Myanmar after 53 years of military rule. He belongs to National League for Democracy (NLD) party. Aung San Suu Kyi is the President of NLD party.
2. The Fulbright – Kalam Climate Fellowship has been launched by India and which country?
[A]United States
Answer: United States
India and United States have launched the Fulbright – Kalam Climate Fellowship that enables Indian research scholars to work with American institutions in the field of climate change. It will sponsor up to 6 Indian PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to work with US institutions for a period up to one year. The fellowship has been named after late Indian President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. It will be operated by the bi-national US-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) under the umbrella of the prestigious Fulbright programme. It will be jointly funded by both the governments.
3. Which Indian scholar has been appointed as the Vice Chancellor of the University of Canberra?
[A]H Deep Saini
[B]Sagar Mal
[C]Mandeep Singh
[D]Stephen Parker
Answer: H Deep Saini
The noted Indian scholar and plant physiologist H Deep Saini has been appointed as the fifth Vice Chancellor of the prestigious University of Canberra. He will succeed Vice Chancellor Stephen Parker in September 2016. Currently, Saini is the Vice-President of the University of Toronto and Principal of the University of Toronto Mississauga campus in Canada.
4. The 2016 World Congress of Biosphere Reserves has been hosted by which country?
[A]United States
Answer: Peru
The 4th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves 2016 has been inaugurated at Lima, Peru on March 14, 2016. The event would be to address different issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
5. Who is the current Administrator of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)?
[A]Maria Casar
[B]Helen Clark
[C]James Morse
[D]Rudolph Hoffman
Answer: Helen Clark
Helen Clark is the current Administrator of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
6. Lloyd Stowell Shapley, who died recently, had won 2012 Nobel Prize in which category?
Answer: Economics
Dr. Lloyd Stowell Shapley (92), the noted American mathematician, has recently passed away in Tucson, Arizona. With Alvin E. Roth, Shapley won the 2012 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for work on game theory that has been used to study subjects as diverse as matching couples and allocating costs.
7. The World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) is observed on which date?
[A]February 12
[B]March 15
[C]January 16
[D]April 9
Answer: March 15
The World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) is observed every year on March 15 as an occasion of solidarity among consumers for promotion of the rights of consumers and to ensure that consumers are protected from unscrupulous traders and their consumer grievances are redressed. The 2016 theme is “Antibiotics off the menu”. It is a campaign to stop the sale of meat raised with the use of antibiotics important to human medicine.
8. Which country announced to set up its own International Maritime Judicial Centre (IMJC)?
Answer: China
China will set up its own International Maritime Judicial Centre (IMJC) to handle territorial disputes and to protect it’s sovereignty, maritime rights and other core interests at sea.
9. Which initiative has recently been launched by NITI Aayog?
[A]Leadership for India
[B]Women Transforming India
[C]Girls Education
[D]Transforming Agriculture
Answer: Women Transforming India
The NITI Aayog, Union Government’s premier think-tank, has launched the ‘Women Transforming India’ initiative on the International Women’s Day in partnership with the United Nations and MyGov. The initiative is to directly engage with women leaders from across urban and rural areas of India.
10. Which state government has launched awareness programme to protect sparrows?
[A]Madhya Pradesh
[B]Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Uttar Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh has launched awareness campaign at school levels to create awareness about conservation of birds on March 14, 2016. The awareness campaign would also be spread among the students to make the state clean and green under “CleanUP – Green UP”. .

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year. Download Now

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