GK & Current Affairs: June 22, 23, 2014
1. The “Salar Jung Museum”, which has turned 125 years of foundation recently, is in ____?
The Salar Jung Museum is an art museum located on the southern bank of the Musi river in the city of Hyderabad. It is one of the three National Museums of India.
2. Who among the following has won the prestigious Pen Pinter Prize-2014?
[A]Salman Rushdie
[B]Ronald Clipp
[C]Arundathi Roy
[D]J K Rowling
Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie, acclaimed author of Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses, has been named the recipient of this year’s Pen Pinter prize. The award was established in 2009 by writer’s charity English Pen in memory of British writer Harold Pinter.
3. According SEBI new slew of reforms all listed companies including PSU’s must have public shareholding of ___ per cent. Fill the blank with correct option?
[D]Twenty Five
Twenty Five
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) proposed that all listed companies including public sector undertaking shall be required to achieve and maintain minimum public shareholding of 25% of the total number of issued shares within a time period of three years.
4. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) or Indian Nino is an irregular oscillation of sea-surface temperature which tends to cause droughts in adjacent land areas of ____?
[A]India and Sri Lanka
[B]Australia and Indonesia
[C]India and Bangladesh
[D]Sri Lank and Australia
Australia and Indonesia
The Indian Ocean Dipole is the difference in sea surface temperature between two areas-a western pole in the Arabian Sea and an eastern pole in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Indonesia. The IOD affects the climate of Australia and Indonesia and is a significant contributor to rainfall variability in this region.
5. The construction of irrigation dam across the Palar river has caused dispute among which two states?
[A]Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
[B]Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
[C]Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
[D]Karnataka and Kerala
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
Palar is a river of southern India. It rises in Nandi Hills of Karnataka and flows through Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh government is constructing an irrigation dam across Palar near Kuppam which has caused agitation among the people of the five northern districts of Tamil Nadu.
6. Which among the following has developing “Project Loon” project for providing Internet access to rural and remote areas?
Project Loop is a research and development project being developed by Google with the mission of providing Internet access to rural and remote areas. The project uses high-altitude balloons placed in the stratosphere to create an aerial wireless network with up to 3G-like speeds.
7. Recently, the Union ministry of culture has launched a project to rekindle long-lost ties across nations of the Indian Ocean world and forge new avenues of cooperation and exchange. The name of the project is ___ ?
[A]Project Mausam
[B]Project Maritime
[C]Project Wavelink
[D]Project Ocean
Project Mausam
The Union ministry of culture has launched a project called Mausam to rekindle long-lost ties across nations of the Indian Ocean world and forge new avenues of cooperation and exchange. The project, which has been launched by India in partnership with member states, will enable significant steps to be taken to record and celebrate this important phase of world history from the African, Arab and Asian perspectives.
8. Who among the following has won the Austrian F1 Grand Prix title for 2014?
[A]Lewis Hamilton
[B]Valteri Bottas
[C]Nico Rosberg
[D]Sergio Perez
Nico Rosberg
Nico Rosberg of Mercedes team has won the Austrian F1 Grand Prix title for 2014. Lewis Hamilton claimed second place and third place was taken by Finland’s Valteri Bottas for Williams team.
9. Gro Harlem Brundtland, who was awarded with the first Tang Prize in sustainable development, is a former Prime Minister of ___?
Former Prime minister of Norway, Gro Harlem Brudtland was awarded with the first Tang Prize in sustainable development. She was awarded the prize for her innovation, leadership and implementation of sustainable development. Brudtland is also known as the Godmother of sustainable development.
10. The Mandi Gobindgarh place in Punjab is popular as India’s largest ___?
[A]Fruit market
[B]Steel market
[C]Hosiery market
[D]Leather market
Steel market
Mandi Gobindgarh is a town in Punjab. It is sometimes referred to as Steel Town or simply Loha mandi because of large number of steel mills and factories.

June 26, 2014 at 10:24 pmthestopicsaresufficientforPO