GK & Current Affairs: June 21, 2014
1. In context to India’s defence structure consider the following statements:
1.Tejas is a lightweight, multi-role, single-engine tactical fighter aircraft
2.Akash is a surface-to-surface missile, has a range of 25 kms
3.Prahar is a 150 km-range tactical missile system
4.BrahMos is a supersonic cruise missile with a strike range of 290 kms
Which of the above said statements is/are true?
[A]Only 1, 2 & 3
[B]Only 1, 3 & 4
[C]Only 1, 2 & 4
[D]1, 2, 3 & 4
Only 1, 3 & 4
Akash is a surface-to-air missile, has a range of 290 kms.
2. Recently, the government has accepted the report of Arvind Mayaram committee on rationalising definitions of FDI and FII. As per the report foreign investment of ___ per cent or more in a listed company will now be treated as FDI?
Foreign investment of 10 per cent or more in a listed company will now be treated as FDI as the government has accepted the report of a committee on rationalising definitions of FDI and FII. If the stake is not raised to 10 per cent or above, then the investment can be treated as portfolio investment.
3. In which of the following years India and China signed Panchsheel treaty?
The five principles of peaceful coexistence are known as the Panchsheel. Their first formal codification in treaty form was in as agreement between China and India in 1954. The year 2014 marks the 60th anniversary of the Panchsheel treaty.
4. The Swarna Rekha Multi-purpose project aims to supply water for agriculture in ___?
[A]Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal
[B]Jharkhand, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh
[C]Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal
[D]Jharkhand, West Bengal and Uttarkhand
Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal
The Swarna Rekha Multi-Purpose project is located across the three states (Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal). The project was started during 1982-83 with an aim to supply water for agriculture in Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal. Besides this the other aims of the project was to reduce flood damage in Odisha and West Bengal.
5. Recently, the Maharashtra state cabinet has cleared the proposal to form Palghar district by bifurcating which of the following districts?
Maharashtra state cabinet has approved the long pending proposal to bifurcate Thane district and Palghar is all set to be Maharashtra’s 36th district. The new district will come into being from August 1.
6. Which among the following books is not authored by J K Rowling?
[B]The Casual Vacancy
[C]Spy Man
[D]The Cuckoo’s Calling
Spy Man
7. Which among the following awards is given in “Sustainable Development”?
[A]Pen Pinter Award
[B]Tang Prize
[C]Turing Prize
[D]Donald P. Eckman Award
Tang Prize
Taiwan businessmen Dr.Samuel Yin established the Tang Prizem, also called as “Asian version of Nobel” ; in December 2012 to encourage individuals across the globe chart the middle path to achieving sustainable development by recognising and supporting research in the four major fields of Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology and the Rule of Law.
8. The term “High Net worth Individual (HNWI)” refers to the person who has investable assets of $ __ million or more. Fill the blank with correct option?
A person who has investable assets of $1 million or more are called High Net worth Individual.
9. According to Global Peace Index-2014, which among the following is the world’s least peaceful nation?
The 2014 Global Peace Index shows that the world has become less peaceful; since 2008 111 countries have deteriorated in levels of peace, while only 52 have improved. The Index shows Syria is the world’s least peaceful nation.
10. Which among the following is the world’s first nuclear power station?
[A]Kolskaya nuclear plant
[B]Obninsk nuclear plant
[C]Akkuyu nuclear plant
[D]Sibirskaya nuclear plant
Obninsk nuclear plant
Obninsk nuclear power station is the world’s first nuclear power station. The plant is also known as APS-1 Obnisk. On June 26, 1954 the world’s first nuclear plant took commercial load, with electric generator power of 1500kw. On June 27, commissioning of nuclear plant was announced. The Obninsk nuclear plant will turn 60 this week.

Samarendra Kushal
June 23, 2014 at 11:44 amPlz Give Me All Update
ram verma
June 23, 2014 at 11:40 pmjai ho
June 24, 2014 at 12:44 amthanks
June 24, 2014 at 10:02 amNice question framing, would like to say for all those question which are related to committees please provide link where full detail available for that.
Thank you!!
preeti shukla
June 24, 2014 at 4:01 pmit iis good but ii need more knowledge about banking function like.treassury bill, pnotes etc
kishore biswal
July 2, 2014 at 9:58 amoption-2 is correct but indicate wrong how?
kishore biswal
July 2, 2014 at 9:59 amagni range is 25 km.
November 19, 2014 at 9:24 pmBecause that is not AGNI but AKASH, man….. :P
July 3, 2014 at 4:06 pmso helpful for our exam………………awesome
santanu dhenki
July 7, 2014 at 11:05 amplease update
deepak lakhera
May 17, 2015 at 12:26 pmSR AKASH MISSILE HAS RANGE OF 30 KM NOT 290KM