GK & Current Affairs: June 21, 2013

1. In a recent survey released by NSSO, what is the status of India’s unemployment for the year 2011-12?
[A]It rose by 2%
[B]It declined by 2%
[C]It rose by 2.7%
[D]It declined by 2.7%

It rose by 2%
In a recent survey released by NSSO- National Sample Survey Organisation it has told that unemployment in India rose by 2% during July 2011-June 2012

2. The Union Government has decided to reduce the number of centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) from over 140 during the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17). What is the proposed no of reduced CSS under this new strategy?

In a bid to improve monitoring and provide greater flexibility to states the govt has decided to condense the centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) to 66 from over 140 during the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17).

3. In recent times, there have been controversies involving the Indian Pharmacy sector being accused of infringing IP rights. With this reference, consider the following:
1. Product Patent
2. Process Patent
The Indian laws make provisions for which among the above?
[A]Only 1
[B]Only 2
[C]Both 1 & 2
[D]Neither 1 nor 2

Only 2
In India only process patent are given to medicines and not product patents. Process patents stop the Indian Pharmacy companies by manufacturing any medicine using the process patented by the Inventor company, whereas product patent stops them from manufacturing those medicines altogether. There have been various court orders and govt orders denying product patents as many lifesaving drugs would cost very less when manufactured in India compared to the foreign pharmacy companies.

4. Which one of the following was the purpose of appointment of Rangachary committee?
[A]Taxation of software Development Centres & IT Sector
[B]Taxation of Biotechnology and Pharmacy sector
[C]Taxation of MSME sector
[D]None of the above

Taxation of software Development Centres & IT Sector
Rangachary committee was appointed by PM in July 2012 to look into taxation of IT sector and the panel had submitted its report in September, 2012, suggesting parameters to identify contract R&D services provider with insignificant risk and application of profit split method.

5. What is the name of the first indigenously developed Rotavirus vaccine of India?

Rotavac is the India’s first indigenously developed vaccine against rotavirus, the major cause of diarrhea deaths among children. Rotavac vaccine is similar to the oral polio drop. It will given under the age same regimen 6, 10 and 14 weeks.

6. In which among the following states, the controversial Chutka Nuclear power plant is proposed to be located?
[C]Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh
Chutka Nuclear power plant has been planned in a 497.73 hectare area in Narayanganj tehsil, on the bank of Narmada in Madhya Pradesh. Villagers of Chutka, Tatighat, Kunda and Manegaon, predominantly of the Gond Scheduled Tribe, have been protesting against the project since it was cleared by the Union

7. The European Union has imposed ban on the pesticide namely neonicotinoids to protect which species of Insect?
[A]Dragon Fly
[B]Honey Bees

Honey Bees
European Commission imposed ban on the neonicotinoids chemicals based pesticides which are believed to harm honey bees.

8. India’s first Yoga University was recently inaugurated at___:

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated country’s first private Yoga University near Ahmadabad in May 2013. The Yoga university is established by the Life Mission Trust of Gujarat.

9. Recently, Union Cabinet granted classical language status to which of the following language?

The Union cabinet is decided to grant the coveted classical language status to Malayalam spoken by 3.33 crore Malayalis spread over all parts of the globe. With the cabinet’s decision, Malayalam joins Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada and Telugu

10. The Inga dam is the world’s largest proposed hydropower project. In which country this dam is being constructed?
[A]South Africa
[B]Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Inga dam is located in western Democratic Republic of the Congo, 50 km upstream of the mouth of the Congo River.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year. Download Now


  1. dhan

    June 22, 2013 at 11:56 am

    a complete guide for all type of exam. a brilliant steps taken such ever. I thank you for update daily gk session once again.

  2. Charudatt

    June 23, 2013 at 12:20 am

    nie one

  3. mechsamjr

    June 24, 2013 at 10:46 pm

    Is the 3rd answer correct? TTBOMK, India shifted to Product patent in 2005.

  4. gurwinder.koti

    August 30, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    thanks so much :)


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