GK & Current Affairs: July 7, 8, 2014
1. Recently, retail giant Carrefour has announced its intention to close its stores in India. Carrefour is a multinational retailer based in which country?
Carrefour is a French multinational retailer headquartered in Boulogne Billancourt, France. Carrefour announced its intention to close its five cash-and-carry stores in India, where Carrefour has operated since 2010.
2. The “Operation Protective Edge” is an ongoing military conflict between ___?
[A]Israel and Hamas
[B]Ukraine and Russia
[C]China and Vietnam
[D]Philippines and China
Israel and Hamas
Operation Protective Edge is an Israel Defence Forces operation in the Hamas-governed Gaza strip, officially launched on July 8, 2014.
3. Granville Austin, who passed away recently, was a renowned scholar of the ___?
[A]Indian Constitution
[B]Indian History
[C]Indian Geography
[D]Indian Literature
Indian Constitution
Granville Austin was a renowned scholar of the Indian constitution and constitution assembly debates. In 2011, in recognition for his writing on the framing and working of the Indian constitution, Professor Austin was awarded a Padam Shri award, the fourth-highest civilian honour of India.
4. In the latest Railway budget, the government has announced the first bullet train in which corridor?
5. Eduard Shevardnadze, who passed away recently, was the former president of which country?
Eduard Shevardnadze was a Georgian politician and diplomat. He served as first secretary of Georgian Communist Party from 1972 to 1985 and as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union. He was President of Georgia from 1992 to 2003.
6. According to Rangarajan Panel on poverty estimation which state has highest number of people below poverty line?
With 47.9% population below poverty line Chhattisgarh tops the list of state with the highest poverty count.
7. Which among the following companies has topped the Fortune Global 500 list of the world’s biggest companies?
[C]Sinopec Group
[D]Indian Oil Corp
US retain giant Wal-Mart topped the Fortune Global 500 list of the world’s biggest companies based on total revenues. Wall-Mart stores reported USD 476.3 billion in revenues for 2013 and it is followed by Royal Dutch Shell with total revenue of USD 459.6 billion.
8. The “Mission Mangalam” is an integrated poverty alleviation and rural woman empowerment initiative of which state?
Mission Mangalam has been launched by the Gujarat government in 2010. It is an integrated poverty alleviation approach and an initiative to empower rural woman.
9. Who among the following has been appointed as India’s permanent representative to International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)?
[A]T P Seetharam
[B]P Sridharan
[C]Aravind Nair
[D]Kushal Singh
T P Seetharam
India’s ambassador to the UAE T P Seetharam has been appointed as the country’s permanent representative to the Abu Dhabi-based International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The move makes India 19th member of IRENA to designate a permanent representative to the inter-governmental organisation.
10. According to latest survey, which of the following cities is expected to become World’s Top Tourist destination?
The MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index report found that London is expected to welcome most number of international overnight visitors, an estimated 18.69 million, topping the list of most visited 132 destinations across the world. Bangkok overtook London in 2013 to become the top ranked destination city in the world.

pradeep thakur
July 13, 2014 at 5:44 pmSo valuable. Notes