GK & Current Affairs: July 28-31, 2015
1. Kakdwip and Sagar Island, which were recently making news for a proposed underwater tunnel, are located in which state / UT?
[A]Andhra Pradesh
[B]West Bengal
[C]Andaman and Nicobar
[D]Tamil Nadu
Answer: West Bengal
Government of India is planning to develop two immersed tunnels between Kakdwip and Sagar Island in West Bengal, and Chatham and Bamboo Flat in the Andaman Nicobar Islands. This Rs. 3000 crore project is under Detail Project Report (DPR) stage only and will be finalized soon if these tunnels are found viable.
2. What is the current deadline to ratify the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s trade facilitation agreement (TFA)?
[A]December 2015
[B]March 2016
[C]April 2016
[D]December 2016
Answer: December 2015
The deadline to ratify the TFA is December 2015, after which it will come into force. According to WTO norms, for the TFA to come into force, two-thirds of the entire WTO membership must ratify the agreement. So far nine countries have ratified the deal. India has not ratified the TFA because India first wants a permanent solution to the issue of food security for public stockholding.
3. The government of India has signed a USD 300 million loan pact to support the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) with which of the following?
[A]World Bank
[B]Asian Development Bank
[C]New Development Bank
[D]None of the above
Answer: Asian Development Bank
Government of India has inked USD 300 million loan pact with Asian Development Bank (ADB)
[Headquarters: Manila] to support the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM). This mission is aimed at improving health status of the country’s urban population. This loan is ADB’s first health project in India.
4. Which of the following ministries has recently launched “Project Insight”?
[A]Ministry of Finance
[B]Ministry of HRD
[C]Ministry of Law
[D]Ministry of Commerce
Answer: Ministry of Finance
The Finance Ministry is moving towards launching its flagship project called “Project Insight” to widen the tax base by nabbing tax evaders using modern technology. It is based on data analytics and data mining. Recently, tenders to by software was floated.
5. On which date, National Broadcasting day is observed?
[A] July 23
[B] June 2
[C] March 15
[D] January 19
Answer: July 23
Every year July 23 is observed as National Broadcasting day. On this day in 1927, Indian Broadcasting Company (IBC) began organized radio broadcasting from Bombay station. In India, radio broadcasting began during the British rule in 1923 under the imitative of the Radio Club of Bombay.
6. What is the ratio of sour and sweet crudes in the Indian Crude Oil Basket?
Answer: 72:28
The Indian basket represents the average price of Oman and Dubai sour grade crude and the sweet Brent crude oil processed in Indian refineries in the ratio of 72:28.
7. What is the approximate urban female work-force participation rate (WPR) in India?
Answer: 15%
India’s urban female work-force participation rate (WPR) is one of the world’s lowest at 15%, ranking eleventh from the bottom among 131 countries, according to a 2012 report on global employment trends by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). This, however, might be changing, with the participation rate growing 5.6% annually since 1991, in comparison with 2% for rural females and 3% for urban males. [Business Standard]
8. Which of the following countries is world’s biggest consumer of edible oils?
[C]United States
Answer: India
India is the world’s biggest consumer of edible oils. Edible oil is India’s third-biggest import item after crude oil and gold. India imports most of its edible oil from Indonesia and Malaysia.
9. Which among the following countries is not included in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations?
[A]United States
Answer: United States
The RCEP is seen as an answer to the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. It is being negotiated among the 10-member ASEAN economies—Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Brunei—and six of its free trade partners—China, Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and India
10. Which among the following is the nodal ministry for implementation of the Forest Rights Act in India?
[A]Ministry of environment and forests
[B]Ministry of agriculture
[C]Ministry of tribal affairs
[D]Ministry of rural development
Answer: Ministry of tribal affairs
The tribal affairs ministry is the nodal ministry for implementation of the Forest Rights Act. The environment & forests ministry issues clearances to industries to use forest land under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980.

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