GK & Current Affairs: July 22, 2013
1. As of now, what is the total number of High Courts in India?
The total number of High Courts in India is 24.
2. Recently, which one of the following country has affirmed India’s right to pursue exploration and exploitation work in South China Sea?
Vietnam foreign minister, Pham Binh Minh declared that India has the right to pursue exploration and exploitation work for hydrocarbons in South China Sea, in the Vietnam
Exclusive Economic Zone.
3. Which one of the following committee has recommended setting up of a National Aviation University in India?
[A]Kaw committee
[B]Singh Committee
[C]Verma Committee
[D]Krishna Committee
Kaw committee
In 2006, Kaw committee had recommended setting up of a National University in India.
4. Election Commission has decided to facilitate allotment of a common symbol to the registered un-recognised parties that contest a general election from a minimum of
___seats in state Loka Sabha. Fill the blank with correct option.
Election Commission of India has decided to facilitate allotment of a common symbol to the registered un-recognised parties that contest a general election from a minimum
of 10 percents of seats in a state (Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly) six months in advance.
5. Which one of the following cities is hosting G-20 finance ministerial meeting 2013?
[A]New York
Moscow is the venue for G-20 ministerial meeting 2013.
6. Recently, Salty Dog 502 was making new. What is this Salty Dog 502?
[A]It’s a name of the unmanned jet of US defence department
[B]It’s a new breed of dog developed by the scientist
[C]It’s a robot with advanced technology
[D]It’s a new missile developed by DRDO
It’s a name of the unmanned jet of US defence department
Salty Dog 502 is the nickname of the unmanned jet X-47B of US defence department.
7. By which one of the following pen name, J K Rowling has written a crime novel “The Cuckoo’s Calling”?
[A]Robert Galbraith
[B]Robert Brown
[C]Joseph Thomson
[D]Joseph Galbraith
Robert Galbraith
The Cuckoo’s Calling is a 2013 crime fiction novel by J K Rowling, published under the pseudonym “Robert Galbraith”.
8. Union Government has launched Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) programme to check ___?
In an effort to prevent anaemia, the government has launched an ambitious programme to provide Iron Folic Acid tablets every week to 13 crore adolescent girls in the age
group of 10-19 years across the country.
9. As per the baseline survey of Indian languages by the People’s Linguistic Survey of India, which among the following states is richest with highest number of languages?
[C]Arunachal Pradesh
[D]Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
There are over 780 languages and 66 different scripts in India. Arunachal Pradesh is the richest among the State with 90 languages.
10. Who among the following has been appointed as first-ever woman referee I-League season by the All India Football Federation?
[A]Maria Rebello
[B]Anadi Barua
[C]Chaitra Gangadharan
[D]Indu Choudary
Maria Rebello
Woman football referee Maria Rebello is set to create history as she has been named to officiate in the upcoming I-League season by All India Football Federation. In a
historic decision, the AIFF’s Referees Committee included Maria as the first-ever woman referee in the panel of Referees for the 2013-14 season
of the I-League.

deepak sharma
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Gulfam khan
August 8, 2013 at 3:42 pmPlz send me gk current affairs ques on my id
abinash das
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