GK & Current Affairs: July 1, 2014
1. Recently, which one of the following countries has announced a one billion Euros credit to India to take initiates in the climate control area?
France announced a one billion Euros credit line over the next three years to India to take initiates in the climate control area.
2. According to Assocham report, which among the following states has recorded the highest per capita milk availability?
[C]Andhra Pradesh
Punjab has recorded the highest per capita milk availability of 937 grams per day, followed by Haryana 679 grams, according to a report by Assocham. In terms of per capita availability of milk in 2010-11, Punjab was the leader among the 20 major states with 937 grams of milk available per person per day.
3. The Asian Games 2014 will be held in ____?
[A]South Korea
[B]North Korea
South Korea
The Asian games 2014 will be held in Incheon, South Korea from 19 September to 4 October 2014.
4. Which among the following states has highest share in total milk production in India?
[A]Andhra Pradesh
[C]Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh commands highest share of over 17% in total milk production, followed by Rajasthan (11%), Andhra Pradesh (9%), Punjab (8%) and Gujarat (8%).
5. India’s Golden Triangle is a famous tourist circuit which includes:______?
[A]Delhi, Agra and Jaipur
[B]Mumbai, Aurangabad and Pune
[C]Bangalore, Mysore and Chennai
[D]Kolkata, Puri and Konark
Delhi, Agra and Jaipur
6. Recently, India and which of the following countries released the first encyclopaedia on their age-old cultural contacts, tracing back their history to over 2,000 years?
[A]Sri Lanka
[C]South Africa
India and China released the first encyclopaedia on their age-old cultural contacts, tracing back their history to over 2,000 years, starting from the visit of Chinese scholar Huen Tsang to India in the 7th century to bring Buddhist scriptures to China. The two volumes of the encyclopaedia jointly compiled by the scholars of India and China.
7. The Cetane number is measurement of the combustion quality of…….?
[D]Both Petrol & Diesel
Cetane number or CN is a measurement of the combustion quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition. Thus, it is the approximate equivalent of octane rating for gasoline (petrol).
8. The SPOT-7 satellite, which was recently launched on board India’s PSLV C-23 flight recently belongs to __?
SPOT stands for Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre. The The SPOT system is a series of earth observation satellites.
9. The Cabomba plant is a/ an ___?
[A]Ornamental plant
[B]Source of Bio-diesel
[C]Source of Dyes & Pigments
[D]Invasive species
Invasive species
Cabomba (Cabomba Caroliniana), also known as Fanwort plant, is a native of North and South America that grows in stagnant or slow-flowing water bodies to a depth of about 12 feet. Its an invasive plant.
10. Which among the following flowers is closely linked to the ‘Phool Sankranti’ festival of Uttarakhand?
Rhododendron arboreum is a small evergreen tree and is known for the captivating beauty of its deep red or pale pink flowers. Throughout the region, the species commands a high socio-cultural reverence and has been designated as the state tree of Uttarakhand. With the blooming of the rhododendrons, locals in the Garhwal Himalayas celebrate ‘Phool Sankranti’, a festival of flowers. (The Hindu)

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July 2, 2014 at 11:02 pmplease give me answer
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