GK & Current Affairs: February 16-17, 2014
1. Which among the following is / are two biodiversity hotspots in India?
[A]Eastern Himalaya and Western Ghats
[B]Western Himalaya and Eastern Ghats
[C]Eastern Himalaya and Eastern Ghats
[D]Western Himalaya and Western Ghats
Eastern Himalaya and Western Ghats
2. India’s first electric zero-emission bus has been introduced at __ ?
The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) introduced the country’s first electric zero-emission bus in Bangalore. The bus, which costs about 2.7 crore will run on trial basis for the next three months.
3. India’s first post office savings bank ATM facility has been inaugurated in ____?
The country’s first Post Office savings bank ATM was inaugurated in Chennai.
4. “Paco de Lucia” who passed away recently, was a famous Guitarist belongs to which country?
Paco de Lucia, was a world renowned Spanish Guitarist. He was famous for a series of flamenco albums in the 1970s, he also crossed over into classical and jazz guitar. At the age 0f 18 he recorded his first album in Madrid.
5. Who among the following has won the National Billiards Championship 2014?
[A]Pankaj Advani
[B]Sourav Kothari
[C]Alok Kumar
[D]Sourav Goshal
Sourav Kothari
Sourav Kothari has won the National Billiard Championship title 2014. He defeated Alok Kumar by 5-3 to won the title. It is the maiden title for Kothari since 2007.
6. The union government recently launched Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) to suggest radical changes in the government social sector initiatives. The IEO is an independent office chaired by___?
[A]Prime Minister
[B]Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
[C]Home Minister
[D]Finance Minister
Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
India’s first independent evaluation office (IEO) was formally launched. The office mandated to suggest radical changes in the government’s social sector initiatives, as well as in its interface with the private sector through public-private partnership project. The IEO is an independent office attached to the planning commission, under governing board chaired by the commission’s deputy chairman.
7. The UNAIDS has designated which of the following days as “Zero Discrimination Day”?
[A]February 27
[B]February 28
[C]March 1
[D]March 2
March 1
UNAIDS has designated March 1, 2014 as Zero Discrimination Day, to support those who are infected by HIV/AIDS, in a bid to promote equal rights for AIDS victims and celebrate everyone’s right to live in dignity, no matter what they look like, where they come from or whom they love.
8. India is the largest exporter of shrimps to which among the following countries?
India has emerged as the largest exporter of shrimps to the US market, for the first time in the history of seafood trade, in 2013. Overtaking Thailand, India had shipped 94,000 tones of shrimp to USA valued at US $ 1 billion. Roughly 50% of the India’s total shrimp export was to USA.
9. The coal for the Mundra Thermal Power Station is imported primarily from which country?
10. Recently, India’s largest solar power plant has been launched in which of the following states?
[C]Madhya Pradesh
[D]Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
The Welspun Solar MP Project, the largest solar power plant in India was launched at Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh. The plant is set up at a cost of Rs 1,100 crore on 305 hectares of land, will supply power at Rs 8.05 kwh.