GK & Current Affairs: August 7, 2013
1. As per the latest NSSO data on unemployment rates, which of the following religions has faced highest level of unemployment in rural areas during 2009-10?
A National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) study revealed in July 2013 that the Christians from the rural areas as well as the Sikhs from urban areas are faced highest level of unemployment during 2009-10. The study was conducted for a period from July 2009 to June 2010. This was the 66th round of National Sample Survey in order to find out about the employment and unemployment situation among major religious groups in India.
2. Approximately, what numbers of Agri Export Zones (AEZ) has been sanctioned to set up across the country?
With the primary objective of boosting agricultural exports from India, Government of India announced a policy of setting up of Agri Export Zones across the country. The Central Government has sanctioned 60 Agri Export Zones comprising about 40 agricultural commodities.
3. Sovereignty over the Falkland Islands is disputed between Argentina and _____?
[A]United Kingdom
[B]United States
United Kingdom
Sovereignty over the Falkland Island is disputed between Argentina and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom claims the sovereignty over the archipelago almost continuously since 1833. Argentina has long disputed this claim, having been in control of the islands for a brief period prior to 1833.
4. Recently (August, 2013), which one of the following states has decided to set up “Lok Seva Guarantee Commission” to provide time-bound public services?
The Rajasthan government has decided to set up a Lok Seva Guarantee Commission to provide time-bound public services in the state. The Commission would monitor 18 government departments covering 153 subjects of public interests.
5. The Kurinji flower, a rare phenomenon, blossom once in twelve years, in the___ ?
[A]Darjeeling Hills
[B]Nilgiri Hills
[C]Kumaon Hills
[D]Kodaikanal Hills
Nilgiri Hills
Kurinji is the famous flower which makes the Nilgiri hills blue. Kurinji is a bright blue bell-shaped flower found on the hills slope of the Western Ghats at an altitude between 6000 to 7000 feet. The unique feature of this flower is that it blooms once in 12 years.
6. Which one of the following will become the first e-court of the country, where petitions filed via e-mails would be entertained?
[A]Bangalore High Court
[B]Madras High Court
[C]Bombay High Court
[D]Delhi High Court
Bombay High Court
For the first time in its history, the Bombay High Court is introducing an e-court which would entertain petitions on e-mails and totally eliminates paper work. Being set up as pilot project, the e-court, presided by Justice Nitin Jamdar, would be inaugurated on August 15, 2013.
7. The Union Government has decided to set up two major ports, one each at which of the following two states?
[A]Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
[B]Karnataka, Maharastra
[C]Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal
[D]West Bengal, Odisha
Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal
The Government has decided to set up two new major airports one each at Sagar in West Bengal and the other at Dugarajapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.
8. Which one of the following is a name of the new term that defines Anti-Social use of smartphone?
Phubbing is the new term coined to highlight the anti-social phone use. Phubbing is defined as the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention.
9. Recently, SEBI has issued “Operational, Prudential, and Reporting Norms for AIFs. What does AIFs stands for?
[A]Alternative Investment Funds
[B]All India Funds
[C]Alternative Institutional Funds
[D]None of the Above
Alternative Investment Funds
The Securities and Exchange Board of India has issued circular detailing operational, prudential and reporting norms for AIFs (Alternative Investment Funds). Alternative Investment Funds are such funds established or incorporated in India in the form of trust or a company or limited liabilities partnership or a body corporate, which is privately pooled investment vehicle, collects funds from investors, whether Indian or foreign, for investing it in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors and are not covered under the SEBI regulations.
10. Which of the following countries is the biggest shipbuilder in the world?
[C]South Korea
South Korea
South Korea is the world’s largest shipbuilding country with a global market share of 51.2%. South Korea leads in the production of large vessels such as cruise liners, super tankers and large container ships.

shahid khan
August 9, 2013 at 3:35 pmnice
naobi [email protected]
August 9, 2013 at 5:24 pmbamboo is known ass the green gold
Manju Reddy
August 9, 2013 at 10:00 pmyour material is good collection