GK & Current Affairs : August 25, 26, 2013
1. The following sport personalities who have been chosen for Dronacharya Award 2013:
1. Poornima Mahato
2. Mahavir Singh
3. Narinder Singh Saini
4. Raj Singh
From which of the following disciplines they have been chosen for award respectively:
[A]Archery, Boxing, Hockey, Wrestling
[B]Boxing, Archery, Hockey, Wrestling
[C]Wrestling, Hockey, Archery, Boxing
[D]Archery, Boxing, Wrestling, Hockey
Archery, Boxing, Hockey, Wrestling
2. Recently (August, 2013), which Bollywood actor joined the UN global humanitarian campaign “World Needs More”?
[A]Ajay Devagan
[B]Amitabh Bachchan
[C]Sharuk Khan
[D]Amir Khan
Amitabh Bachchan
The UNICEF goodwill ambassador Amitabh Bachchan has joined the UN and its humanitarian partners to promote “The World Needs More” a global campaign seeking to turn words into real assistance for communities affected by humanitarian crisis.
3. Tin Bigha Corridor is a strip of land on the border of India and ___?
The Tin Bigha Corridor is a strip of land belonging to India on the West Bengal-Bangladesh border. In September 2011, it was leased to Bangladesh so that it can access Dahagram-Angarpot enclave.
4. According to the latest figures of Health Ministry, which state has recorded maximum number of cases of Malaria?
[C]West Bengal
Odisha recorded the maximum number of cases of malaria for the period of January-July this year followed by Chhattisgarh while Kerala registered most number of dengue victims followed by Karnataka, according to the latest figures submitted by the Union Health Ministry.
5. In which of the following years first National Family Health Survey was conducted in India?
The National Family Health Survey is a large scale, multi-round survey conducted in a representative sample of households through out the country. Thee rounds of the survey have been conducted since the first survey in 1992-93.
6. Recently (August, 2013), US scientists have created the most precise clock of the world. This clock is made by which element?
US scientists have built the world’s most precise clock, whose ticking rate varies less than parts in one quintillion or 10 times better than any other. The clock, made from the element ytterbium, could be used for technical advancements beyond timekeeping, such navigation systems, magnetic fields and temperature.
7. The “Tummalapalli” in the state of Andhra Pradesh is famous for which ore reserve?
The Tummalapalli mine is a uranium mine in Tummalapalli village located in Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh. Atomic Energy Commission of India confirmed on reserves of 49,000 tonnes and suggested that they could be even three times larger which could make it world largest uranium deposit.
8. Recently (August, 2013), United Nation declared which one of the following days as “International Day of Sports for Development and Peace”?
[A]February 6
[B]April 6
[C]June 23
[D]July 12
April 6
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 6 April as the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace. According to UN it is a historic step in recognizing the power of sports to erase cultural barriers and mobilize people around the world.
9. Recently, IT department has conducted searches on business premises of members of NSEL. What does NSEL stands for?
[A]National Spot Exchange of India
[B]National Spot Enterprises of India
[C]National Sports Exchange of India
[D]National Sports and Entertainment of India
National Spot Exchange of India
10. Which among the following cities have International Airports currently?
1. Guwahati
2. Gangtok
3. Agartala
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A]Only 1
[B]Only 1 & 2
[C]Only 1 & 3
[D]1, 2 & 3
Only 1
Currently, Guwahati is the lone international airport in the eight northeastern states, including Sikkim. The region is in dire need for better connectivity with the rest of India and neighbouring countries.

pukhraj meena
August 26, 2013 at 12:22 pmsir ans… Show nahi kar raha???
August 26, 2013 at 7:21 pmDevigarh road kaithal
Harshada Kharat
August 26, 2013 at 10:13 pmIts very useful site
August 27, 2013 at 2:19 amGreat work sir, I became the fan of yours.very usefull information
August 27, 2013 at 2:57 amNSEL National Spot Exchange Limited
August 29, 2013 at 1:04 pmplease do update regularly.thanks