GK & Current Affairs: August 1, 2013
1. What is the name of India’s first indigenously built aircraft carrier, which would be launched in August, 2013?
Designed by Indian Navy’s design organisation and being built by Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), the carrier is to be named Vikrant – after India’s first carrier acquired from Britain
2. End Violence Against Children is a new initiative launched by __:
[B]Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Government of India
[D]Street Kids International
UNICEF launched a new initiative on violence against children, calling on the international community to speak out against it. The End Violence Against Children initiative seeks to build on growing popular outrage following attacks against children, including the 2012 shooting of then 14-year old Malala Yousafzai.
3. Who among the following has been appointed as Director of “National School of Drama”?
[A]Satish Alekar
[B]Shyam Benegal
[C]Waman Kendre
[D]Girish Karnad
Waman Kendre
Government has appointed noted theatre person, Waman Kendre as the new director of National School of Drama. His appointment for period of five years w.e.f the date of assumption of charge of the post or till superannuation on 62 years of age or until further order, whichever is the earlier. Kedre is an NSD alumnus, hails from Maharastra, known for his rich tradition of theatre, both folk and modern.
4. GI protected “Kaipad rice” is associated with which of the following states?
Kaipad rice is a system of paddy cultivation in brackish water. It is most commonly practiced in Kerala state. Recently (July 2013), Kaipad Rice has been cleared for inclusion in Geographical Identification (GI) registry in the country.
5. Which among the following is NOT a Telecommunication company?
ExxonMobil is a Oil major.
6. Which among the following personalities is currently NOT a head of state their respective African countries?
[A]Robert Mugabe
[B]Jacob Zuma
[C]Goodluck Jonathan
[D]Meles Zenawi
Meles Zenawi
- Robert Mugabe ? President of Zimbabwe
- Jacob Zuma ? President of South Africa
- Goodluck Jonathan ? President of Nigeria
- Meles Zenawi ? Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia
7. Currently, world’s largest standing army belongs to ___?
[C]United States
China’s 2.3 million-strong PLA is the world’s largest standing army. It has marked its 86th anniversary recently.
8. Which among the following countries has decided to give temporary asylum to US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden?
[D]North Korea
US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has been granted one year’s asylum in Russia. This could affect US Russia relations.
9. The Rs 50,000 crore deal for supplying 126 Rafale combat aircraft is related to India’s relationships with __?
[A]United States of America
10. The term Fire Ice is used for ___?
[A]Solid Carbon Dioxide
[B]Methane Hydrates
[C]Oil Shale
[D]Tight Gas
Methane Hydrates
Hydrates are a frozen mixture of water and gas, primarily methane. The methane molecules reside inside a water molecule lattice. The methane will ignite in ice form – hence the “fire ice” moniker.

August 2, 2013 at 7:01 pmsir if some one is preparing for CDS then are those regular updates enough ?
August 3, 2013 at 12:16 pmthis very good
August 3, 2013 at 12:44 pmbest gk
August 3, 2013 at 9:33 pmINS Vikrant is not the vessel to be commissioned in August 2013, but its already playing its role in NAVY and was a chief strategy of Navy during INDO-PAK-1971.
Please do correct it.
August 10, 2013 at 2:39 ammrigank, please note that INS vikrant has been decommissioned. and this new warship is only Ins vikrant. Do not go by the names. It is different vessel. In navy, it is the tradition to put the name of decommissioned ships. like Rajput, maysore, delhi etc.
August 23, 2013 at 2:39 pmit is very beneficial for upcoming competitive examinations.