GK & Current Affairs: April 7, 8, 2014

1. Which of the following countries are world’s two largest emitters of greenhouse gases?
[A]India and China
[B]US and China
[C]US and Russia
[D]China and Russia

US and China

RankCountryCO2e emissions in megatonnes% of global emissions
2United States of America6,933.8015.72%
3European Union5,331.5012.09%
6Russian Federation2,012.804.56%

2. Which among the following is not one of the so called “Fragile Five” countries?
[B]South Africa

Fragile Five countries – India, Indonesia, Turkey, South Africa and Brazil

3. Which among the following National Parks is NOT located in the Terai Arc Landscape?
[A]Dudhwa National Park
[B]Corbett National Park
[C]Rajaji National Park
[D]Panna National Park

Panna National Park
There are 11 protected areas in Terai Arc Landscape. 7 located in India and 4 in Nepal.
Indian National Parks

  1. Valmikinagar Wildlife Sanctuary
  2. Sohelwa Wildlife Sanctuary
  3. Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary
  4. Dudhwa National Park
  5. Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary
  6. Corbett National Park
  7. Rajaji National Park

Nepalese National Parks

  1. Parsa Wildlife Reserve
  2. Royal Chitwan National Park
  3. Royal Bardia National Park
  4. Sukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve

4. Approximately what fraction of India’s GDP is shared by Fuel Subsidy?
[D]Less than 1%

Fuel subsidies are Rs 1.3 lakh crore for 2013, roughly 2% of India’s GDP. Implementation of the Food S Security Act will lead to the government providing 62 million tonnes of food annually at a cost of 1.1% of India’s GDP.

5. The Doll Festival or Hinamatsuri is celebrated in __?
[B]South Korea

Hinamatsuri (hina means dolls and matsuri means festival) or the Doll’s Day or Dolls Festival is celebrated each year on March 3. Platforms covered with a red carpet are used to display a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the historic Heian period of Japan.

6. The Environment Protection related principle of common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR) was enshrined in __?
[A]Rio Declaration
[B]Nagoya Protocol
[C]Montreal Protocol
[D]Basel Action Network

Rio Declaration
The principle of common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR) is an important principle of international environmental law, explicitly formulated in the Principle 7 of the Rio Declaration.

7. The Warsaw climate conference is also known as __?

Warsaw climate conference (COP19) was held under Polish presidency in November 2013.

8. Anandwan, the Ashram and community rehabilitation centre for leprosy patients was founded by __?
[A]Anna Hazare
[B]Baba Amte
[C]Thakkar Bapa
[D]Pandurang Shastri Athavale

Baba Amte
Anandwan ashram is located in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. It is a community rehabilitation centre for leprosy patients and the disabled from downtrodden sections of society. It was founded in 1948 by noted social activist, Baba Amte. The project is run by the organisation Maharogi Seva Samiti. The Samiti’s other projects are Lok Biradari Prakalp and The Somnath Project.

9. Which among the following two cities have been chosen by Indian Railway for creation of “Green Curtains”?
[A]Delhi and Mumbai
[B]Agra and Jaipur
[C]Bangalore and Mysore
[D]Surat and Ahmadabad

Agra and Jaipur
The Indian Railway is undertaking creation of ‘Green Curtains’ at Agra and Jaipur. The ‘Green Curtains’ will involve construction of RCC boundary wall of appropriate height along the railway bou ndary up to a suitable distance, landscaping from the track to the wall and within station circulating area.

10. The nationwide energy conservation programme Club Enerji is a programme of __?
[A]Cairn India
[B]PowerGrid Corporation of India
[C]Tata Power
[D]Suzlon Energy

Tata Power
Tata Power’s nationwide energy conservation programme Club Enerji has sensitized around 9 lakh citizens in Mumbai in 2013-14 through primary contact programme and secondary sensitization and saved more than a million units of energy in the city. The energy saved can light up 470 houses for a year. (ET)

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year. Download Now

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