GK & Current Affairs: April 29, 30, 2015

1. Which is the most widely used fuel-oxidiser combination in cryogenic rocket engines?
[A]Liquid hydrogen and oxygen
[B]Liquid hydrogen and nitrogen
[C]Liquid nitrogen and oxygen
[D]Liquid carbon dioxide and oxygen
Answer: Liquid hydrogen and oxygen
The combination of liquid hydrogen (LH2) fuel and the liquid oxygen (LOX) oxidizer is one of the most widely used fuel-oxidiser combination. Both components are easily and cheaply available, and when burned have one of the highest enthalpy releases by combustion, producing specific impulse up to 450 s (effective exhaust velocity 4.4 km/s). Reference
2. Who has become the first India-born woman to be appointed as Judge in the New York City?
[A]Chaitra Baligar
[B]Amrutha Pandey
[C]Raja Rajeswari
[D]Sandhya Malik
Answer: Raja Rajeswari
Indian-born woman Raja Rajeswari has been sworn in as a criminal court judge in the New York City. She became the first India-born woman to be appointed as Judge in the New York City. Rajeswari has served in the district attorney’s office for the past 16 years and has been the deputy chief of the special victims for more than four years.
3. Which organization has been entrusted with the responsibility of issuing e-tickets for entry to Taj Mahal and the Humayun’s Tomb?
Answer: IRCTC
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) joined hands with ASI for the e-ticket facility for entry to Taj Mahal and Humayun’s Tomb.
4. Which country has emerged as champions at President’s Cup Boxing Tournament?
Answer: India
India was crowned champions at President’s Cup Open International Boxing Tournament. This is for the 1st time that India was crowned champions at the President’s Cup which was organized at Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia. India finished the tournament on top with thirty three points that included four Gold and one Bronze. Mongolia was placed second in the tournament.
5. Which city is famous for the Chithirai festival, one of world’s longest festivals?
Answer: Madurai
The Chithirai festival is one of the biggest celebrations in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. It re-enacts the wedding of Lord Sundareswarar (Lord Shiva) and Goddess Meenakshi (Lord Vishnu’s sister). The festival begins on the fifth day of the bright half of the Tamil month Chitrai (April/May). In 2015, the date of the Chithirai festival is from April 21 to May 7.
6. Omar al-Bashir, has been re-elected as president of which country?
Answer: Sudan
Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir has won re-election with 94 per cent of vote. Bashir, who took power in a bloodless coup in 1989, is the only sitting head of state facing genocide charges at the International Criminal Court. The charges stem from the conflict in the Darfur region.
7. As per data, which are the two Indian cities at highest risk of being devastated by an earthquake?
[A]Guwahati and Nagpur
[B]Nagpur and Srinagar
[C]Guwahati and Srinagar
[D]Jamnagar and Guwahati
Answer: Guwahati and Srinagar
As per government data Guwahati and Srinagar are the two Indian cities at highest risk of being devastated by an earthquake. Guwahati and Srinagar fall in what is called “very severe intensity zone”, or zone V, the highest-risk earthquake zone. Eight cities, including Delhi, fall in the “severe intensity zone” or zone IV, according to a seismic zoning map issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards and quoted in this National Disaster Management (NDM) report. The other 30 cities fall in the “moderate intensity zone”, or zone III. Reference
8. Which of the following leaders has been recently (April 2015) honoured with Officer of the Legion of Honour, the highest French civilian distinction?
[A]V K Singh
[B]Yashwant Sinha
[C]Arvind Kejriwal
[D]Kapil Sibal
Answer: Yashwant Sinha
The French Government has honoured Mr Yashwant Sinha Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (Officer of the Legion of Honour), the highest French civilian distinction. He was awarded in recognition of his international action as Union Minister of Finance (1998-2002), then External Affairs (2002 – 2004), and his invaluable contribution to thought on international issues. Created in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, the Legion of Honour is the highest civilian award given by the French Republic for outstanding service to France, regardless of the nationality of the recipients. The President of the French Republic is the Grand Master of the Order of the Legion of Honour. Reference
9. The “Order of the Chrysanthemum” is the highest award in which country?
Answer: Japan
Order of the Chrysanthemum is Japan’s highest and most exclusive order, established in 1877 by the Meiji emperor. The award is mainly given to the members of Japan’s royal family and to foreign royalty or heads of state. The order has only one class and is exclusively for men. The badge consists of a white enamelled star with 32 rays edged in gold with a central cabochon garnet surrounded by a gold band. Four small silver chrysanthemums placed between green leaves encircle the garnet. The medal is suspended from a large, gold-rimmed likeness of a chrysanthemum.Reference
10. Which of the following schemes has been renamed as AMRUT scheme?
[A]Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
[B]Rajiv Awas Yojana
[C]Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahayog Yojana
[D]Jawahar Rojgar Yojana
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
Union cabinet has renamed Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission as Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). Like JNNURM, the renewed scheme will also be a 10-year programme with an investment of around Rs 2 lakh crore. AMRUT will primarily, include the major components of JNNURM scheme only with the inclusion of few new additions as prescribed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Reference

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year. Download Now


  1. suma

    May 21, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    gud questions

  2. vivek

    June 18, 2015 at 9:51 am

    very good

  3. k santosh

    July 10, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    best questions

  4. Babai

    July 16, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    standard questions.

  5. priya mishra

    July 18, 2015 at 12:36 am

    good questions


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