GK & Current Affairs: April 14, 15, 2014
1. The WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, which was much news in recent times was signed at __?
The 159 members of the WTO had adopted the ‘Bali package’ after December 2013 meeting. Some of the features of this package were trade facilitation, food stockholding, export subsidies and a package for LDCs (least-developed countries). In Bali, ministers endorsed the Trade Facilitation Agreement aimed at making Customs procedures more trade-friendly and lowering transaction costs.
2. What is the approximate fraction of Agriculture exports in India’s total exports?
In 2012-13, agricultural exports touched an all-time high of Rs 231,993 crore, primarily due to a surge in the export of non-basmati rice, guar gum and wheat. This raised the contribution of the agriculture to overall exports to 13.08 per cent from 12.8 per cent in 2011-12. (Business Standard)
3. Approximately, what fraction of Post Offices in India are in rural areas?
India has the largest postal network in the world, with 155,015 post offices, of which 139,144 (89.8 per cent) are in rural areas.
4. Which among the following is not a correct statement about El Niño?
[A]It emerges after a hap of every three to seven years
[B]It negatively impacts the North East monsoons in India
[C]It was a reason behind 2009 droughts in India
[D]All the above are correct statements
It negatively impacts the North East monsoons in India
El Niño has a negative impact on the southwest monsoon during June. In the past decade, 2002, 2004 and 2009 were the drought years in India, due to emergence of El Niño .El Niño emerges after a gap of every three to seven years and affects rainfall in India during monsoon. The heat off the western coast of South America increases the sea surface temperatures above normal by 0.5 degree Celsius, affecting formation of rain-bearing clouds.
5. In which of the following years Government introduced the Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS) to absorb excess liquidity?
The government launched the Market Stabilisation Scheme (MSS) in consultation with RBI in 2004 with the objective to absorb excess liquidity, arising out of significant foreign exchange inflows, by issuing treasury bills or dated securities.
6. Recently, a product called “Palcohol” gained widespread attention worldwide. What does Palcohol refers to___?
[A]New kind of drug
[B]Powdered alcohol product
[C]Food capsules for astronauts
[D]Genetically modified food products
Powdered alcohol product
Palcohol is a powdered form of alcohol that is intended to mix with water or other flavoured liquids. Recently, the United States Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved seven version of Palcohol to sale in shops.
7. The “Katni-Satna-Singarauli” region in Madhya Pradesh is well known for __?
[A]Mango production
[B]Coal production
[C]Cement production
[D]Diamond polishing
Cement production
The Katni-Satna-Singarauli” region is one of the largest cement producing regions in the country.
8. “Peace Angel 2014” is a joint military exercise concluded recently between which two countries?
[A]India and Bangladesh
[B]China and Pakistan
[C]China and Bangladesh
[D]India and Pakistan
China and Pakistan
Peace Angle 2014 is a joint military exercise concluded between Pakistan and China.
9. The retirement fund body EPFO has decided to provide universal account numbers (UAN) to its subscribers by ___?
[A]August 15
[B]July 30
[C]October 15
[D]November 1
October 15
The EPFO has decided to provide permanent or universal account numbers (UAN) on the pattern of core banking services to its over five crore active subscribers by October 15, 2014. The UAN will facilitate subscribers in avoiding filing of PF transfer claims on changing jobs.
10. The “Yonaguni” island which is in news recently, is a inhabited island belongs to which country?
Yonaguni is one of the Yeayama Islands. It is the westernmost inhabited island of Japan.

srinu jeenu
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April 23, 2014 at 10:07 amI want daily current affairs on my mail.
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