GI Protected pottery and clay work of India

GI Protected pottery and clay work of India are as follows

Blue Pottery of Jaipur

Blue Pottery is widely recognized as a traditional craft of Jaipur, though it is Turko-Persian in origin. The name ‘blue pottery’ comes from the eye-catching blue dye used to color the pottery. Jaipur blue pottery, made out of a similar frit material to Egyptian faience, is glazed and low-fired. No clay is used: the ‘dough’ for the pottery is prepared by mixing quartz stone powder, powdered glass, Multani Mitti (Fuller’s Earth), borax, gum and water. Another source cites Katira Gond powder (a gum), and saaji (soda bicarbonate) as ingredients. Some of this pottery is semi-transparent and mostly decorated with animal and bird motifs. Being fired at very low temperature makes them fragile. The range of items is primarily decorative, such as ashtrays, vases, coasters, small bowls and boxes for trinkets. The colour palette is restricted to blue derived from the cobalt oxide, green from the copper oxide and white, though other non-conventional colours, such as yellow and brown are sometimes included.

Molela Clay Work

Molela is a small, non-descript village in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan, situated on the banks of the river Banas. Molela clay is dug from the banks of local pond of the village. The distinction here lies in the terracotta plaques made here, only here all over India. Like most crafts, murtikala has been passed from generation to generation, through the sons of the family, evolving with each generation. Typically the women do the hard work of getting the clay ready while the men make the murtis and decorate them.

Khurja Pottery

Khujara potery is refer to art of making ceramic pottery at Khujara near Bulandshaher, UP. The baked clay pottery is said to have come to India with Taimur Lung as he passed through Khurja alongwith potters from Egypt and Syria during an easterly campaign over 500 years ago. The tradition of pottery in Khurja has been acknowledged by the Geographical Indication (GI) Registry of India by awarding a GI certificate in 2015.

Nizamabad Black Pottery

Nizamabad black pottery is originated in Kutch region of Gujarat. The black clay pottery of Nizamabad in Azamgarh district of Uttar Pradesh, India is unique type of clay pottery known for its dark shiny body with engraved silver patterns. It is said to have been brought to Nizamabad during the reign of Mughals. It has received Geographical Indication (GI) tag from Government of India in 2014-15.

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