Geospatial Energy Map of India

The Geospatial Energy Map of India was launched by NITI Aayog. It is a Geographic Information System (GIS) based energy map of India. It was developed by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and NITI Aayog.

About Geospatial Energy Map of India

  • It provides holistic picture of all the energy resources in the country.
  • It provides information about the energy installations in the country. It includes conventional power plants, petroleum refineries, oil and gas wells, coal fields, district wise data on renewable energy power plants, coal blocks and renewable energy resource potential through 27 thematic layers.
  • It provides information about the location of primary and secondary sources of energy, their transmission and transportation networks
  • It provides information about energy production and distribution in the country
  • It consolidates energy data that are scattered across multiple organisations
  • The map uses latest advancements in the Geographic Information System and is interactive
  • The map has been deployed on VEDAS server at SAC, Ahmedabad. SAC operates under ISRO


The map is of great help to plan and make investment decisions. It helps in disaster management using available energy assets.

Geospatial portal

The map can be accessed by any citizen through the portal. However, only limited access is provided to the public due to safety concerns. The portal was developed by ISRO and NITI Aayog.

Energy data in the map

The entire energy data in the map is grouped into ten pre-defined sources. They are coal, conventional power plants, fossil fuel resources, biomass, hydro-electric power, petroleum, natural gas, wind, solar and renewable energy power plants. The thermal power plants based on natural gas, coal, diesel, hydro power plants and nuclear power plants are grouped under conventional power plants. The fossil fuel resources provide information about natural gas wells, coalfields, coal blocks, and captive coal mines. The map also provides state wise information of all these resources.

Need for Energy map of India

The energy data of the country is fragmented. The ministries have detailed information of their respective domain. There is no consolidated map. Also, the present maps available with the ministries are static (in JPG or PDF formats). Therefore, they prevent the integration of associated features (such as physical infrastructure and topography) with the maps. Thus, there is a need for complete energy map of India.

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