Page-8 of World Geography

Various Earthquake Scales

Earthquake Magnitude and Earthquake Intensity are two terms often misunderstood. Earthquake magnitude is a measure of the size of the earthquake reflecting the elastic energy released by the earthquake. It is referred by a certain real number on the Richter ..

Earthquake Types and Mechanism

In Earthquake, there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust, which leads to a series of motions because of the waves created due to this energy (called seismic waves) released. These seismic waves originate in a limited ..

Earth’s Magnetosphere

Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere. The invisible geomagnetic lines stretch from one pole, curve far out into space, then go back to the opposite pole. The curved lines are further shaped by the electrically charged particles of the solar ..

Earth’s Magnetic Field

The Magnetic Field of the Earth is generated by the motion of molten iron alloys in the Earth’s outer core.  The solid inner core is too hot to hold a permanent magnetic field, but the outer core gives rise to ..

Interesting Facts About Earth’s Core

Using the seismic data, the scientists had first postulated the existence of a fluid core. In 1915, Gutenberg published a measurement of the core’s radius. In 1936, Danish seismologist Inge Lehmann (l888-1993) presented a paper titled, “P’” (or P -Prime, ..

Important Facts About Earth’s Mantle

The mantle is a highly viscous layer between the crust and the outer core. The boundary between crust and mantle is called Mohorovičić discontinuity after the name of Croatian geologist Andrija Mohorovičić  who proposed this.  No one has been able ..

Earth’s Crust: Thickness, Composition, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere and Pedosphere

Earth’s crust is the outermost layer composed of various types of rocks. The boundary between the crust and mantle is generally called the Mohorovičić discontinuity. Thickness of Continental and Oceanic Crust It varies in thickness from around 5 to 100 ..

Earth: Basic Data, Radius, Circumference and Structure

Earth is located in the Solar System, which is located in the Orion (or local) arm of Milky Way Galaxy, which is a part of Virgo Super cluster. As a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth is accelerating ..