Page-6 of World Geography
The Six Geological Provinces and Continental Shield
The entire Earth has been divided into several Geological Provinces on the basis of their origin. A geologic or geomorphic province is an entity with common geologic or geomorphic attributes. The six Geological provinces include: Continental Shield Platform-which is a ..
Lithospheric Plate System: Convergent and Divergent Plate Boundaries
The Earth’s surface is composed of six major lithospheric plates’ viz. Pacific, American, Eurasian, African, Austral-Indian, and Antarctic. Apart from those, there are some lesser plates and sub plates also. The below graphics shows these Lithospheric Plates. Some important notable ..
Basics of Plate Tectonics and Seafloor Spreading
Lithosphere is made up of about a dozen giant and several smaller sections called plates, and these move in various directions in processes known collectively as plate tectonics. The below graphics shows the plates and their general direction of Movement. ..
Continental Drift: Theory and Evidences of Continental Drift and Continental Fit
The Lithosphere is always in a state of work in progress. In 1912, a German geologist named Alfred Wegener came up with an outlandish theory known as continental drift. His theory was based upon the following clues. Continental Fit One ..
Ocean Relief : Key Features and Types of Ocean Relief
Surface area of earth is 510,072,000 km². It comprises of 148,940,000 km² land (29.2 %) & 361,132,000 km² water (70.8 %). Relief features of oceans are quite different from those of the continents. Please note that much of the oceanic ..
Mega Relief: First, Second and Third Order Mega Relief
There are various structures on the surface of the earth that give rise to various kinds of Landscapes. On a large scale, the landscapes of can be divided into three orders of relief called Megarelief. The Megareliefs include the largest ..
Mass Wasting: Types and Examples
In Mass Wasting, the gravitational force of the earth acts directly on the loose material and the unstable slopes result the slide of the rocks and rock debris. This is known as Mass movement. This movement may be slow or ..
Weathering: Definition and Types- Physical, Biological and Chemical Weathering
There are two types of the processes that affect the landforms viz. Exogenic and Endogenic. Endogenic are the processes that occur within the earth’s surface such as Plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes etc. Exogenic are the processes that occur on or ..