Page-5 of World Geography
Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Ocean Temperature
The distributional pattern of temperature of ocean water is studied in two ways viz. Horizontal distribution (temperature of surface water) and Vertical distribution (from surface water to the bottom). Since the ocean has three dimensional shape, the depth of oceans, ..
Trends in Ocean Temperature: Daily and Annual Range
The temperature of the oceanic water is important for phytoplanktons as well as zooplanktons. The temperature of sea water also affects the climate of coastal lands and plants and animals. The study of both, surface and subsurface temperature of sea ..
Resources from Ocean Sediments
Ocean beds are rich in potential mineral and organic resources. Much of these resources, however, are not easily accessible, so their recovery involves technological challenges and high cost. Energy The main energy resources associated with marine sediments are petroleum and ..
Facts About Diatoms and their applications
Diatoms are microscopic single-celled photosynthetic organisms. Each one lives inside a protective silica test, most of which contain two halves that fit together very much similar to a shoebox and its lid. The fossil record indicates that diatoms have been ..
Ocean Sediment: Meaning and Various Types
Ocean sediments are particles and fragments of dirt, dust, and other debris that have settled out of the water and accumulated on the ocean floor. The crucial importance of marine sediments is that they reveal much about Earth’s history. Marine ..
Various Types of Landforms
Landforms are defined as the geomorphologic units defined by its surface form and location in the landscape. Landforms are typical elements of the topography. The water body interfaces also called landforms. They are categorized on the basis of elevation, slope, ..
Types of Plateaus
Plateau is an elevated tract of relatively flat land, usually limited on at least one side by a steep slope falling abruptly to lower land. It may also be delimited in places by abrupt slopes rising to residual mountains or ..
Orogeny: Types of Mountains and Mountain Building
Orogeny is primarily the mechanism by which mountains are built on continents due to the large structural deformation of the Earth’s lithosphere caused by Plate Tectonics. Orogenesis involves the following: Structural deformation of the rocks Faulting of rocks Folding of ..