Page-10 of World Geography
Interesting Facts About Jupiter and Its Moons
Jupiter is the largest planet in solar system, twice as massive as all the other planets, moons and asteroids in solar system put together. More than 90 percent of Jupiter’s mass consists of swirling gases, mostly hydrogen and helium; in ..
Key Facts About Mars and Its Moons
Mars is known as the red planet because it looks red from Earth. The reddish color comes from the high concentration of iron oxide compounds—that is, rust—in the rocks of the Martian surface. Some key facts about Mars are as ..
Interesting Facts and Notes on Venus Planet
Venus is similar to Earth in many ways and is closer in distance to Earth than any other planet, and it has a similar size and composition. Key facts about Venus are as follows: A Venus year is equal to ..
Interesting Facts About Mercury Planet
At 58 million kilometers distance, Mercury is closest planet to Sun. Due this much proximity, mercury’s orbit is very much stretched into a long elliptical shape. Other important facts about mercury are as follows: Mercury takes 88 Earth days to ..
Planets and Planetary Rings
A planet is an object which is not a star {i.e. no nuclear fusion takes place in it} and that orbits around a star and is mostly round because its own gravitational pull has shaped it into more or less ..
Key Facts About Sun and Solar System
Sun is a star with a diameter of 109 times of earth and a mass of 3.30 lakh times of Earth, roughly accounting for 99.9% of total mass of the Solar system. Sun is mostly made of Hydrogen and Helium ..
Stellar Evolution: All about Birth and Death of Stars
Stellar evolution is a complicated process. All stars go through the continuous change and their life cycle is made of immature stage, mature stage and final changes towards end of their lives. Stars pass through a definite evolutionary sequence, which ..
Interesting Facts About Stars
A star is a mass of incandescent gas that produces energy at its core by nuclear fusion. Most of the visible light in the universe is produced by stars. The Sun is also a star. Stars shine because nuclear fusion ..