Page-6 of Modern Indian History
Dayanand Saraswati and Arya Samaj
Dayanand Saraswati was born in 1824 in a Brahmin family in Morvi in Gujarat as Mula Shankar. At 21, he left home in order to escape the entanglement of marriage and to seek to pacify the turmoil and commotion of ..
Moplah Rebellion 1921
The Moplah Rebellion or the Malabar Rebellion was an extended version of the Khilafat Movement in Kerala in 1921. The Government had declared the Congress and Khilafat meetings illegal. So, a reaction in Kerala began against the crackdown of the ..
Arrival of Lord Hardinge 1910
From 1910 to 1916, Lord Hardinge served as India’s Viceroy. He had entered the diplomatic service in 1880 and had served in Tehran as first secretary and Ambassador to Russia. But his administrative experiences were next to nothing. This young ..
Lord Curzon – Governor General and Viceroy of India
Lord Curzon served as Governor General and Viceroy of India from 6 January 1899 to 18 November 1905. Important events during his tenure include Famine of 1899-1900 {Chappania Akal}, Appointment of Famine Commission {under Sir Anthony McDonnell}, Commission on Irrigation {under ..
Arrival of Lord Elgin 1894
Lord Elgin served as the Governor General and Viceroy from 1894 to 1898. During his regime, the boundaries of China and Siam was demarcated, Anglo-Russian convention was signed (1895), Diamond Jublee of Queen Victoria was celebrated (1897), A Famine Commission ..
Arrival of Lord Lansdowne 1888
Lord Lansdowne served as Governor General and Viceroy of India from 1888 to 1893. During his tenure, Indo-Afghan border {Durand Line} was demarcated. The Indian Council Act, 1892 was enacted and a system of indirect elections started in India. Securing ..
Safety Valve Theory of Indian National Congress
The Safety Valve Theory emerged as an explanation for the founding of the Indian National Congress (INC) by British colonial authorities. This theory suggests that the British, fearing another rebellion similar to the Mutiny of 1857, aimed to provide a ..
Birth of Congress 1885
The need for the formation of an all-India political organization had become an objective necessity. The pre-congress organizations were limited in scope and objectives. This led to development of some basic needs and objectives before the leaders. It was said ..
Lord Dufferin 1884
Lord Dufferin served as Governor General of India and Viceroy from 1884 to 1888. During his tenure, the Third Burmese war led to annexation of whole of Burma and Burmese ruler was exiled to India. In 1885, AO Hume laid ..
Lord Ripon – Viceroy of India (1880-1884)
Lord Ripon remained India’s Viceroy from 1880-84. This liberal politician is known for many reforms in the internal administration of India. The most important events during this time were as follows: The Vernacular Press Act was repealed in 1882 A ..