Page-2 of Medieval Indian History

Iltutmish Administration

Iltutmish was one of the most outstanding rulers of Medieval India. In true terms, history of the Muslim sovereignty in India begins with him. He gave the sultanate a capital, a legitimate sovereign state (he got an investiture from Caliphate, ..

Religious Policy of Akbar and Din-i-Ialhi

Akbar could not see the validity in the custom that the Hindus should pay more taxes than the Muslims. He also had an insatiable quest in the matters of religion and faith. He was deeply moved by the mystical doctrines ..

Basic Knowledge About Sufism

Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in Arabic, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam. Today, however, many Muslims and non-Muslims believe that Sufism is outside the sphere of ..

Amir Khusro

Amir Khusrow was a Sufi mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya. He lived for 72 years, out of which 60 years he lived in the courts of as many as ten different rulers of the Delhi Sultanate. He ..

Navratnas of Akbar (9 Gems)

Akbar was an ardent admirer of art and learning. His court was full of many scholars and talented artists. The Nine most learned men in his court were known as Navratnas. Abul Fazal Abul Fazl was the chronicler of Akbarnama ..

Mansabdari System

Mansabdari System was a system introduced by Akbar for military administration and territorial commands (grant and revenue) to sustain parts of army. His experiences led him to conclude that rather than relying in the Irani and Turkish nobles, he should ..

Delhi Sultanate

The course of Indian History was invariably changed with the rise of Islam and increased Islamic invasions on India. As early as 711 AD, Muhammad-bin-Qasim had captured Sind and Multan; however, his career ended suddenly because his masters recalled him ..