Page-5 of Indian Art, Culture and Heritage
Guler Paintings
Haripur Guler is a twin township which behold the heritage of Guler Riyasat. The term Guler was sought from Gwala which means cowherd. The Riyasat or princely state of Guler was founded by Raja Hari Chand of Kangra and was ..
Basholi Paintings
Basholi is a small town in Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir. It was founded by Raja Bhupat Pal in circa 1635 and is renowned for a special and vibrant style of Pahari miniature paintings. Basholi Paintings are considered the ..
Paintings at Badami
Badami or Vatapi as it was earlier known as , is one of the most treasured monuments of ancient India. The paintings which are housed in rock-cut cave temples mostly belong to 6th and 8th centuries. The Badami caves were ..
Renaissance Paintings
Art was dominated chiefly by the Christian church throughout the Middle Ages and well into the Renaissance period. Initially, the Christian art was tender and human but eventually the organised theology had an adverse effect on art and it became ..
Patua Paintings
The Patua is a community found in West Bengal. Some Patuas are Hindus, while others are Muslims and Buddhists. The paintings tradition of Patuas was started as a village tradition as painters of scrolls or pats telling the popular mangal ..
Phad Paintings
It is a popular style of folk painting done on a long piece of cloth, known as phad. It is practiced in Rajasthan. The phads depict the narratives of the folk deities of Rajasthan, mostly of Pabuji and Devnarayan. Traditionally, ..
Indian Folk Paintings
Manjusha Art It is believed that Manjusha art originated in Anga Mahajanapada, it is also known as Angika Art. It was used in Bihula-Vishahri Pooja, a festival dedicated to Snake God, Celebrated in Bhagalpur(Bihar) in the month of August. It ..
Modern Indian Paintings – Raja Ravi Varma
The introduction of the Company style in the 18th and 19th centuries by the art schools, the Indian artist created works of art that were British in style but Indian in content. The discussion about the company style makes it ..
Modern Indian Paintings – Company School
During the later part of the 18th century, the British East India Company had firmly established its political dominion in India. A large number of employees of the East India Company arrived in India and as they accommodate themselves here, ..
Pahari Schools of Paintings
The Pahari region comprises the present State of Himachal Pradesh, some adjoining areas of the Punjab, the area of Jammu in the Jammu and Kashmir State and Garhwal in Uttar Pradesh. The whole of this area was divided into small ..