Page-2 of General Science – Physics

Horizontal Motion Basics in Physics

Motion is when an object changes its position with respect to its surroundings with time. If the object does not change its position with respect to its surroundings with time, it is called to be at rest. Being is rest ..

Fundamental Units and Derived Units

The units which are independent of each other are known as Fundamental Units. Derived Units are derived from Fundamental Units. For example, meter is a fundamental unit of length and second is a fundamental unit of time. However, meter per ..

Primary Colors, Secondary colors and Complimentary Colors

When a beam of white light is passed through a prism, white light splits up into different colours. Consequently a coloured pattern is obtained on the screen. This splitting of white light into its constituent colours is called dispersion of ..

Human Eye & Eye Defects

Our eyeball is nearly spherical with white outer layer called the sclera. Here is a short description of how our eye works. Working of Human Eye The light enters the eye through a curved transparent tissue called Cornea. In humans, ..

Twinkling of Stars and Mirage

Heat energy radiated by the earth changes the density of the atmospheric layers continuously. This changing density of the air layers near the ground affects its refractive index. Due to the refraction of light rays from the star, path of ..

Real Images and Virtual Images

The image formed by the actual intersection of refracted rays through a lens is called the real image. The real images can be caught on the screen and they are inverted. The images that appear without actual intersection of the ..


A lens is a thin piece of a transparent material bounded by two spherical surfaces or by one spherical and other plane surface. The width or diameter of a lens is called the aperture of the lens. The geometric centre ..

Total Internal Reflection

When a ray of light passes from an optically denser medium into a rarer medium; the refracted ray is bent away from the normal. A ray of light incident normal to the surface passes without any deviation. As the angle ..

Refraction of light

When we place a pencil in a beaker containing water, we observe that the pencil appears to be bent at the point where it just enters water. Again, when we put a coin in the bottom of an empty cup ..

Humidity and Relative Humidity

Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in atmosphere. The amount of water vapour in atmosphere changes with time and weather. The air containing water vapour is called humid air. The amount of vapour present per unit volume of ..