Page-3 of General Science – Biology

Cartilaginous Fish and Bony Fish Examples

All the true fishes have been classified into two main classes as follows: Chondrichthyes: These are the fishes with soft cartilaginous skeletons. Examples are sharks, rays, dog-fish, skates, sturgion Osteichthyes: These are fishes with bony skeleton. Examples are Tuna, Sardines, ..

Difference Between Agnatha and Gnathostomata

With currently 64000, species, majority of the members of Phylum Chordata belong to sub-phylum Vertebrata. All vertebrates possess notochord during the embryonic period only and later it is replaced by bony vertebral column. Further, the vertebrates have a ventral muscular ..


Members of Echinodermata (Spiny bodied) have an endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles. Starfish, sea cucumbers (holothurians), sea urchins and brittle stars are examples of echinoderms. All echinoderms are marine animals. They live in salt water. Salient notes on Echinoderms Thorny Animals ..


Phylum Mollusca is the second largest animal phylum after Arthropoda. They are terrestrial or aquatic (both marine and freshwater). Members of this phylum include snails, octopuses, squids, oysters etc. Soft body of Molluscs The word “mollusc” means “soft thing”. Molluscs ..


Arthropoda is the largest phylum of animal kingdom because around 2/3rd of all the named species on Earth belong to this phylum. Ants, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, shrimp, crabs, spiders, scorpions etc. are examples of arthropods. There are three main classes ..

Plant Hormones

Plant hormones are signal molecules produced within the plant, and occur in extremely low concentrations. Hormones regulate cellular processes in targeted cells locally and, when moved to other locations, in other locations of the plant. Hormones also determine the formation ..


Plants have the amazing ability to harvest energy from the sun using chlorophyll and convert it into carbohydrates. These carbohydrates serve as chief energy source for almost all living beings in the world, including plants themselves. Photosynthesis is the process ..

Types of Plant Tissues

In plants, there are two kinds of tissues viz. Meristematic tissues and Permanent Tissues. Meristematic Issue The Meristematic tissues are divisible and cells in these tissues retain the power of division, so that plant keeps growing. These tissues are found ..