Page-7 of Ancient Indian History

Social System in Later Vedic Age

The key changes in later Vedic era included evolution of territorial sovereignty; development of Varnashrama dharma, degradation of Sabha and Samitis, degradation of women, sedentary life, private possession of land, rigidity of the society etc. General Changes The Sabhas and ..

Rig-Vedic Gods

Before we discuss the important deities of the Vedic people, it is important to understand that Aryans were solely theists and their contemplation about life and the world was from the spiritual standpoint. The Vedic Aryans believed in the concept of ..

Rig Vedic Society

The Kula or family was the basic unit of Rig-Vedic society. The Kula was headed by a Kulapa, who was usually the eldest member. Society was essentially patriarchal and birth of son was desired repeatedly. Status of women was equal ..

Rig Vedic Polity

During Rig-Vedic era, the basic unit of power lied within a patriarchal family (Kula). The head of the family was a Kulapa. A group of such families called grama, which was controlled by a village headman Gramini. The groups of ..

The Original Home of Aryans–Controversy

The question of origin of Aryans has been not only a fascinating story but also a matter of controversy. The Aryan migration theory says that the groups of nomadic tribal people from regions outside Indian sub-continent started migrating towards India ..

Decline of Indus Valley Civilization

Decline set in around 1900 BC and after 1700 BC, little remained in Harappan civilization. However, it did not come to an abrupt end within particular decade or century. Until recently, it was believed that Indus Cities were destroyed by ..

Social Life at Indus Valley Civilization

Most knowledge about the life at Indus Valley comes from the remains of the cities of Harappa and Mohen-Jo Daro. Important aspects of social, economic and religious life are discussed below: Administration: Was there any central authority in Indus Valley? ..

Mesolithic Age in India

The transition from the Palaeolithic period to Mesolithic period is marked by transition from Pleistocene period to Holocene and favourable changes in the climate. The climate became warmer and humid and there was expansion of flora and fauna contributed by ..

Palaeolithic Age Prehistory of India

Prehistoric period belongs to the time before the emergence of writing. It is believed that man learnt writing only about 5000-8000 years ago during the Neolithic period. The earliest known Neolithic writings are Dispilio Tablet (found in Greece) and Tărtăria tablets (found in ..

Introduction to Prehistory

What is the difference between Prehistoric and Historic periods? Prehistoric period belongs to the time before the emergence of writing, while historic period is the period after this. Prehistory refers to the period for which no written records exist. When ..