Page-4 of Ancient Indian History

Sapta Rishi in Vedic Civilization

Saptarshi or the seven sages are mentioned at many places in Vedic Literaure. The term “Saptarishis” is NOT mentioned in Vedic Richas but they are enumerated in different later Vedic texts, Upnishads and Brahmanas, They are considred to be the ..

Concept of Rita and Dharma

Dharma is so called, because it holds; Dharma holds the people. Etymologically, Dharma is derived from the root Dhr—to hold—and its meaning is ‘that which holds’ this world. Rita is predecessor to Dharma and is the Original Rig Vedic concept ..

Extent of Vedic Civilization: Sapta Sindhu, Brahmavarta and Aryavarta

From their original home in Central Asia, the Aryans moved towards South-west in around 2000 BC and settled mainly in two areas in modern Afghanistan. First was the region between modern Kabul and Peshawar while another was Kandahar which was ..

Arya: Race or a Linguistic Group?

The term Aryan denotes a linguistic group and not a race. Their language Vedic Sanskrit has definite relationship with major languages of Europe and Asia. Scholars call this group of languages as Indo-European and the people speaking these languages as ..

Claim of the Indus Civilisation being a Vedic Civilisation

What is the rationale for describing the Harappan Civilisation as the Saraswati Civilisation? To what extent is it a credible rationale? Some Indian historians make a claim essentially on the basis of the Puranas that Indus valley Civilization was one ..

Comparison of Indus Valley and Mesopotamian Civilization

Both Indus Valley and Mesopotamia are oldest civilizations of the world. Both traded with each other. The key comparisons of Indus Valley and Mesopotamian civilization are as follows: While theory of Kingship or a ruler class has not been proved ..

Sites of Indus Valley Civilization

The Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization or Harappan Civilization was the culmination of a long and sustained cultural evolution in the Indus Valley and surrounding areas. The term “Indus Valley Civilization” was used by John Marshall for the first time. ..

Chalcolithic Ages – Key Features

The Chalcolithic period, also known as the Copper Age or Eneolithic period, was a transitional era between the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Chalcolithic age generally dates earlier, typically 3300-2300 BC (varies by region) while Bronze Age usually followed the Chalcolithic, ..

Temple Architecture of Gupta Empire

Gupta Period is called Golden or Classical age of India partially due to the unprecedented activities and development in the arts, architecture, sculpture, painting and literature. The rock cut architecture reached at its zenith in Gupta era and a new ..

Cārvāka and Aajivika Sects

The nāstika (heterodox) schools don’t draw upon the Vedas as the sole primary authoritative text, but may emphasize other traditions of thought. The main nāstika schools are Cārvāka (pronounced Charvaka) and Ajivika. Charvaka School This system was originally called Lokayat ..