Ancient Indian History

What is the difference between Prehistory, Proto-History and Historical Period?

The study of human history is divided into distinct periods based on the availability of written records and the development of advanced civilizations. Prehistory, proto-history, and the historical period are crucial phases that allow us to understand the evolution of ..

Prehistoric Sites of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan

This section provides brief state wise information on important Prehistoric sites of India with very important archaeological findings belong to Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. Some of them have evidences of multiple periods. Afghanistan Kara Kamar Kara Kamar is ..

Most Important Facts on Paleolithic Age

Paleolithic is most primitive and longest phase of stone age.  Marked by nomadic hunter-gatherer humans, development of stone tools, controlled use of fire, and cave art. Paleolithic Age roughly spans from about 3.3 million years ago when first stone tools ..

Neolithic Age – Prehistory

The Neolithic Age began around 10,000 BC and ended between 4,500 and 2,000 BC, depending on the region. Around 6000BC, the smelting of metals such as Copper began which was used for raw material to be used in tool production, ..

Important Hominin / Homo Fossils from Prehistoric Period

Here are some important hominin / Homo fossils from Prehistoric Period Ardi (Ardipithecus ramidus) Ardi is a fossil of Ardipithecus ramidus, a species that lived around 4.4 million years ago. The fossil was discovered in Ethiopia in 1994 by a ..

Various Tool Making Industries and Patterns in Stone Age

The first evidence of stone tool use by hominins, dating back to 3.3 million years ago in Kenya and Ethiopia. These simple tools predate the Oldowan industry and represent the dawn of human technology. Oldowan Culture Oldowan Culture is the ..

Stone Age: Important River Valley Sites

Narmada Valley (Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat) Home to the Bhimbetka rock shelters, a UNESCO World Heritage site with ancient rock paintings. It is one of the few sites where remains of Homo erectus have been found in India. Son Valley (Madhya ..

Advent of Writing and End of Prehistoric Era

The term “prehistoric period” refers to the span of time before the development of written records. This period encompasses the early stages of human history, including the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic eras. Advent of writing marks the end of the ..

Ancient Indian History – 50 General Knowledge Questions on Prehistoric India for SSC / PCS Examinations

1. Who is known as the father of Indian Pre-History? Robert Bruce Foote (1834-1912) was a British geologist and archaeologist, known as father of India’s prehistory. While being employed by Geological Survey of India, he conducted surveys of prehistoric locations ..

Ancient and Medieval Dynasties of South India

Chalukyas of Badami First half of the sixth century marks the rise Chalukyas of Badami or Vatapi as a very strong power in Deccan. The Chalukyas seem to be a race of Rajputs from North who imposed their rule upon ..