General Studies Mains-2014 Paper-4 (Ethics and Integrity) Answer : Q-2-B

What do you understand by ‘probity’ in public life? What are the difficulties in practicing it in the present times? How can these difficulties be overcome? (150 words)

Probity refers to acting with integrity, and acting in a manner that is ethically and morally beyond reproach. Persons in public life are vulnerable to corruption especially in countries like India. This makes probity a difficult quality to conform to in today’s times. There are many temptations and challenges that threaten the integrity of a person in public life. Accepting and offering of bribes is considered common and natural in some societies. Repeated offering/accepting of bribes eventually leads to it becoming common practise. The society at large fails to look down upon the practise of corruption. These challenges can be overcome by creating awareness among the people regarding the consequences of bribing and discouraging such practices. At the same time, strict action must be taken against persons who display lack of probity in public life so that there is a threat of repercussions which deters such behaviour.

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