GeM and CII sign MoU to establish GeMSamvad

The Public procurement portal Government eMarketplace (GeM) and industry body Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) have signed a MoU to establish GeMSamvad, a GeM -Industry forum.
GeMSamvad aims to create awareness about online purchase of goods and services by government agencies and departments,

Key Facts

GeMSamvad will be a participative and collaborative approach with the industry for promoting Indian industry and entrepreneurship.  The MoU will facilitate GeM and CII to work together to create GeM related awareness across the country.
The MoU facilitates establishment of GeM-Industry Forum for collaboration with the Indian Industry for seeking inputs on the technical specifications of products and service-level agreement of services to be procured by government agencies. It also calls for improving the quality of products procured from the MSMEs and organize annual Public Procurement Convention of all stakeholders. It also calls for setting up of GeM Resource Centres at CII Regional Offices.

About Government eMarketplace (GeM)

GeM is an online market platform to facilitate procurement of goods and services by various Ministries and agencies of the Government. It was established by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal (DGS&D), Ministry of Commerce and Industries.
GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e-auction and demand aggregation to facilitate the government procurement. It is a completely paperless, cashless and system driven e-market place that enables procurement of common use goods and services with minimal human interface.


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