G20 environment and energy ministers holding talks in Naples on July 22-23

With forest fires raging in the Russia and USA and severe floods devastating parts of Western Europe, on July 22 and 23, 2021, energy and environment ministers from the Group of 20 countries are holding talks at Naples in Italy.


Key Points

  • The meetings are being held with the focus on three main themes. They are promoting circular economies, particularly in the textile and fashion sectors; biodiversity and protection of oceans; and to promote sustainable development by realigning the financial system.
  • G20 Environment, Climate and Energy meeting is being held to place the ecological transition at the very centre of the political agenda, to reconcile environmental protection with progress and human well-being and promoting science based coordinated global response to pandemics.
  • The G20 Ministerial meeting will provide a platform for the exchange of discussions and experiences between the international delegations and the technicians who are engaged in identifying effective, equitable and coordinated responses for a prosperous and sustainable future.
  • The Italian Presidency has put forward key proposals to spur the global community towards ambitious goals for a sustainable future.


Other global events scheduled to take place in 2021

2021 is a crucial year for climate and ecological transition, with a number of global events scheduled to take place in the upcoming months. They are the UNFCCC COP26, CBD COP 15 and UNCCD COP 15, the United Nations Food Systems Summit, the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and the United Nations Ocean Conference.

The discussion topics will include accelerating the ecological transition, combating climate change, opportunities for sustainable and inclusive recovery enabled by innovative technological solutions of the energy sector, making financial flows consistent with the Paris Agreement objectives and building resilient, smart and sustainable cities.



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