Four Mega Trials of COVID-19 Treatment launched by WHO

The World Health Organization recently launched a mega trial of four most promising corona virus treatments. The organization focuses on repurpose drugs that have already been approved to be safe rather than finding new compounds from the scratch.

What are the four trials?

The WHO is testing four most promising treatments to combat the virus. It includes

  • Remdesivir, an anti-viral compound
  • Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine, the Malarial medications
  • Combination of Lopinavir and Ritonavir, HIV drugs
  • Interferon-beta along with the combination of Lopinavir and Ritonavir


The drug was found to treat E-Bola viral infections. The E-bola outbreak broke out in Congo. The drug has been proved that it inhibits other Corona Virus Stains called SARS and MERS.

Chloroquine and HydroxyCholoroquine

This combination that is used to treat Malaria is another method that is being put under trial to treat Corona Virus. These drugs are being prescribed in India currently for the asymptomatic persons that come in direct contact with the persons infected with the virus.

Lopinavir and Ritonavir

The drugs were invented in the US in 2000. They have shown great efficacy in persons infected with MERS virus.


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