Foundation stone laid for Hastshilp complex in New Delhi

The Union Minister for Textiles, Smriti Zubin Irani laid the foundation stone of a Hastshilp Complex in New Delhi. The complex would be named after Deendayal Upadhyaya as Deen Dayal Antarashtriya Hastshilp Bhawan.

How this Complex will help the Artisans?

  • The complex will provide space for awardee artisans on a rotation basis and preference will be given to differently abled artisans. This would help in increasing the reach of the Artisans.
  • The complex will also house a separate research wing to carry out on endangered crafts and new and emerging handicraft products and markets.
  • The Hastshilp Bhawan will house 23 shops meant for artisans, one showroom for artisans from SAARC countries, one kiosk, five galleries and one conventional hall.
  • The complex will provide better accessibility to the artisans coming from all over the country and SAARC nations.
  • The complex will bring different offices of handicrafts which are situated at different places currently to one location.
  • The complex will also house dormitory facilities for handicraft artisans from all across the country.

The construction of the Hastshilp Bhawan is being undertaken by NBCC at a cost of Rs.113.56 crores and the construction is expected to be complete in 18 months.

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