Fighting the Melting Poles: France’s $1 Billion Polar Science Push

Alarmed by the accelerating decline of Earth’s ice caps and glaciers, France is spending $1 billion on polar research over the next decade and calling for protections for polar oceans.

France’s Leadership on Ice Melt

French President Emmanuel Macron hosted a summit with polar nations and scientists. Experts warned temperatures are rising 4 times faster in the Arctic and half of all glaciers may disappear by 2100. France seeks climate action at upcoming UN talks.

Impacts of Vanishing Ice

Disappearing ice currently threatens millions, but will imperil billions as glaciers providing water and reflectivity shrink. Scientists warn of catastrophic and irreversible tipping points as dark seas absorb more heat where ice once reflected sunlight.

Potential Emergency Measures

Proposed steps like cleaning up soot deposits darkening ice and sealing methane leaks could quickly slow melt rates. But many experts say averting disaster requires drastic emission cuts. Some research refreezing the Arctic.

France’s $1 Billion Response

A new French polar research vessel will be part of France’s 10-year, $1 billion polar science initiative. France calls for protecting polar oceans from seabed exploitation, with support from 20 other nations so far.



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