February 28: National Science Day

Every year on February 28, India celebrates National Science Day to mark the discovery of Raman Effect by Sir C V Raman. Raman Effect was discovered by the professor on February 28, 1928. This year, the National Science Day is celebrated under the theme

Theme: Women in Science


The National Science Day was first designated in 1986 and was first celebrated in 1987. Sir C V Raman announced his discovery on this day. He was later awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1930.

It was the National Council for Science and Technology that asked the GoI to pronounce February 28 as the National Science Day. The Council operates under Department of Science and Technology and is the nodal agency in implementing the celebrations of the day.

Raman Effect

The Effect states about scattering of light. When a beam of light comes out of a liquid, the light wave scattered in a direction is different from that of the incoming light wave.


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