Farmer Welfare: Krishi Vigyan Mela, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Conference launched

The GoI is taking several steps to double farmers income by 2022. In order to help achieve the target, Krishi Vigyan Mela and Krishi Vigyan Kendra Conference were inaugurated by Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Conference

The 11th Krishi Vigyan Kendra Conference was held in New Delhi recently. Krishi Vigyan Kendra means Farmer Science Centre. The Conference directed the centres to focus on small and deprived farmers.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

These Centres are created by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research. The first Krishi Vigyan Kendra was established in 1974. These centres provide different types of farm support at district level. Also, they implement on-farm testing to assess agricultural technologies.

Krishi Vigyan Mela

The Krishi Vigyan Mela was launched to make agriculture a profitable venture. It is a fair that aims to call talents in agriculture. Several discussions at the fair were conducted to ensure superior seeds are supplied to farmers at reasonable rates.


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